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  1. #1
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Rope House at Mystic

    This is another pic from my trip to Mystic last month. The building is called "The Rope House" and it was where & how rope used to be made. It is a very long and narrow building and shown are different stages of how rope was made way back. I found the area where stage 1 of the ropemaking process began. Any words or thoughts would be much appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Rope House at Mystic-99610012xweb.jpg  

  2. #2
    Not Really (Senior Member) ShotsbyScott's Avatar
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Looks like a neat old place. You've captured it well. Just my opinion here..........I think I would have tried a shot with the camera just up off of the floor..........say maybe 10 to 12 inches??
    This would also look good in B&W. Great picture!


  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Very interesting shot. There's a lot to see and take in here. This photo reminds me of someone telling me once that the like photographs that "tell a story", and this one seems to do that. I really like the sharpness and DOF esp for an indoor shot (you must have used a tripod - good!).

    The only things that I good suggest is to remove the negative space in the foreground. Attached is a quick edit I did to do that... It does seem to change the pic's feel a bit (actually it looks like the inside of an old sailing ship, just w/o the cannons). Also, as Scott mentioned you might also try a different height just to see what you get. I'd like to see more of the top/ceiling area here (looks interesting).

    Also, one other nitpick: try to get the top crossbeams exactly straight instead of the slight angle. Not sure if this would be possible or not unless you were dead center in the middle of the floor?

    - GB
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Rope House at Mystic-new-5.jpg  

  4. #4
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Interesting shot. The composition is good and the mood depicted is good.I agree with the previous comment about the crossbeams. It seems part of the area is overexposed but thats minor. Nice work!

  5. #5
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Nina, I like this shot and the lighting and feel of this old rustic work place has a great mood. I'm more in favor of the original crop (yours) as it gives one the feeling of the depth of the area and being back further from the subject ( machine) makes it more interesting in tit's environment. As Yoyo mentioned, there are a couple spots that got blown out exposed a bit, but everything else is perfectly exposed so it's one of those things that must live with. It is no big issue with me anyway. The crossbeams above are slightly unlevel, but the verticals are straight and it feels fine for me. Good shot of an interesting place. ( looks familiar)! ;)
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  6. #6
    ARP is offline
    Arie Rotshtein Photography
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Beautiful Nina,Love the mystic old feel and very well thought out. nice job.


  7. #7
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Thank you all for taking the time to look and comment.

  8. #8
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Rope House at Mystic

    Nice shot Nina. Main critique I can offer is the overexposed area where the wool (?) is on the left, a tad hot on the top. Burning might help, but it looks pretty overexposed.

    Other then that,

    Great shot,


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