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  1. #1
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Rhythm of the Rain

    I'd like your opinion and these just rained on hostas and the BW conversions. The first BW is a channel mixer conversion and the second is just the blue channel.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Rhythm of the Rain-01.jpg   Rhythm of the Rain-02.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Ooh!! I think they're all very cool. Like I said on another post, I like stuff that is a little on the strange side and so the Second (blue) b&w totally appeals to me. But I prefer the first image in color. It really has an impact.

  3. #3
    Mig is offline
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    The first three are ok, not bad, but not really grabbing my attention either. But the last one? The last one is stunning - I would maybe crop some of the left side, but I love the look of it.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Hi Chunk,

    That 3rd image of yours is outstanding Print that guy up big and show it. Wow!

    As far as your B&W conversion question, I'm really not into this. I generally prefer color (full or some desaturation). I just enjoy the additional info that color gives to an image. For example, I prefer the color versions both your images.

    There are times, however, where I think B&W presents a more artful image. It takes a different eye. There are a few her who are very good B&W artisans, but I am not one of them.

    However, I have tried B&W conversions from time to time. Typically, I do this when I try and "antique" a photo. I use channel separation usually with a strong blend of blue and red with a little green. I like the blue because it contains the lion's share of the noise (if I'm looking for grain). I also like how the blue channel captures contrast in facial features (lips and stuff). So, I often use a strong blue mix with portraits.

    I'm no expert -- just rambling... Again, that 3rd submission is awesome!
    (just my preferences)
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  5. #5
    Ilford Nut Dzerzhinski46's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Dear Chunk,

    Usually I don't really care for black and white conversions. It is just not the same as film. But I think in this case, the conversion looks nice. Your color originals also look great too. It is a bit of a toss up as to which is better. On the one hand, the colors are vibrant and lovely, but the black and white is sharp and shows off the lovely texture. Of the two pictures, I think the second would be better for black and white conversion, and a little lighter. The first seems to work better in color. Nice shots.

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  6. #6
    Leitzy! McMadCow's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to be among the dissenters here. I really like your first color image but the B&W conversion just breaks my heart. It's got all the character sucked right out of it. Yes, I've ranted before about how much I hate the way a B&W conversion looks, but seeing the original and the finished product side-by-side drives the point home for me. I think these images would be pretty effective if you shot them on some Delta or T-Max, but as they are they leave me unimpressed.

    Oh well, I'm a stubborn film holdout and I guess that's going to be inscribed on my tombstone.
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  7. #7
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain


    For the first picture, I love the color. The color adds so much, and the black and white just doesn't add to it for me. On your second one however, your blue channel conversion is just stunning and a great capture. It adds a huge depth to it, and I love how it's almost symmetrical! Great shot,


  8. #8
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    I like the first image best. Detail, contrast and cropping are all excellent - coming together for a very nice image.


  9. #9
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Chunk, these are all rather different and unique and I can appreciate the nuances and the differences in all of them. I really enjoy that almost black one as well. That has an almost abstract appeal and came out quite nice. I do like your bw one as well as the color versions. They were all well composed and the droplets of water are what add that bit of dimension. I have no preference here. I like them all.

  10. #10
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Fantastic shots, Chunk! For me the color versions work better on both images. The crispness of the water droplets and the vibrancy of the colors really come through well here.
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  11. #11
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    My favorite is the color version of the first one. Color, comp and clarity are just perfect. The B&W version of that is interesting to study for a short time (it looks almost waxy), but I wouldn't want it hanging on my wall. I could see the first one hanging there, no problem!

    Of the second group, I think the comp suffers just a tad. I don't like the "stuff" around the edges of the color version. The B&W version takes care of all that, and for that reason I like it more. I love its rich blackness. Although I might like to see just a *tad* more detail on the left side. It drops off into mystery too soon, I think.
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  12. #12
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Hi Chunk,
    Like what was said in the previous posts, I enjoy the colour and the detail of the shots. Very creative!

  13. #13
    Member mattp's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    Interesting selection Chunk - I really love the first and third shots, but the second I think loses a great deal in b&w. The last one with the separated blue channel holds a bit more interest, although perhaps not quite enough when compared to the colour version. .

    I don't have any prejudice at all against digital b&w, but as with all b&w work it takes a different mindset when deciding what to shoot. I think your first two shots demonstrate this point very well.

    Nice work


  14. #14
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Rhythm of the Rain

    This is the most amazing set of critiques that I have received here. Thank you all for the time you took to analyze what you felt and write about it. I was surprised at the strength and variety of opinions generated by these shots and have learned from your responses. I know I don't take enough notice of the technical aspects of my work and mainly try to capture what I'm feeling when I view the scene. The BW conversions that I do are usually done with the idea of enhancing that feeling rather than producing an accurately rendered grayscale image of the scene.
    I know that I am usually moved by the abstract aspect of shots but don't understand why. I now know that the color factors pull others just as strongly.
    The important thing here is finding out some of how you all feel about these shots. I don't know any place else I could get this kind of feedback. Once again, thank you all.

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