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  1. #26
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    rockin' it in the D

    Love the Red!!

    and I usually prefer b&w, but I think I like this better in red.

    As far as the rest of this...

    The only suggestion I would make is maybe have her turn slightly to reduce that little bit of tummy and have her bend her elbow just a bit next time. I think the angle she's turned makes her torso look odd as compared to her bum. Like you took the top half of one photo and the bottom of another.

    I really like it though, and you're lucky you wife will do this for you. I keep trying to convince my husband to do it, but he says no one wants to look at pictures of naked guys.

    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  2. #27
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Sweet home Ala... Florida

    Re: Love the Red!!

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    and I usually prefer b&w, but I think I like this better in red.

    As far as the rest of this...

    The only suggestion I would make is maybe have her turn slightly to reduce that little bit of tummy and have her bend her elbow just a bit next time. I think the angle she's turned makes her torso look odd as compared to her bum. Like you took the top half of one photo and the bottom of another.

    I really like it though, and you're lucky you wife will do this for you. I keep trying to convince my husband to do it, but he says no one wants to look at pictures of naked guys.

    In all seriousness I look at as many male nudes as I do females. There is beauty in the male form as well.
    John Cowan
    Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
    ~Ernest Hemingway~

  3. #28
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Re: A quiet moment [Warning: Partial Nudity]

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Patten
    That's a good question Lara. I'm one who tends to like strong and contrasty black and whites. This one is a little flat for my liking. What I like about the color is that, for me, it portrays a warmth and more emotion. Admittedly, I think I need to tone down the red, which I can do easily in PS. I still like the softness though.

    I would love to get some proper lighting and experiment some more with this.
    Keep at it Todd! You will know when you have the final process just right.

  4. #29
    Opinionated Newbie
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    Jul 2004
    Portsmouth, NH

    Re: Love the Red!!

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    I really like it though, and you're lucky you wife will do this for you. I keep trying to convince my husband to do it, but he says no one wants to look at pictures of naked guys.
    While I can appreciate a male nude (and wonder why my body can be as big and string -- in so many ways ), I have to agree with your husband. The female form is so much more attractive. The curves and shapes are far more appealing to the eye. Be it the male eye or the female eye.

    Thanks for taking a look. I agree with just about every aspect of your comments. This was an impromptu session and she simply did what she felt like doing. Who am I to try to interupt?

  5. #30
    Opinionated Newbie
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Portsmouth, NH

    Re: A quiet moment [Warning: Partial Nudity]

    Quote Originally Posted by almo
    Man you are one lucky son of a gun, she is just beautiful.
    I appreciate your comments. However, her beauty is only a very minor part of why I am a "lucky son of a gun".

    My wife is an amazing woman. I am fortunate to have fallen in love with someone who is tender and loving, yet confident. She has always loved me for who I am and who we are together -- from the first day we started dating when we were only 20 years old. She has always let me be the goofy, flaky, arrogant, cocky, insecure, shy, loud man I am. She has supported me no matter the endeavor I choose. She has never doubted that I would be successful at whatever I try. She loves to join me in deep political discussions. She listens to me as I rant on about silly things like String Theory. She loves to sit and watch the Red Sox with me. She enjoys football Sundays as much as I do. She's an incredible mother. Tender and firm when the moment calls for it. I couldn't ask for more.

    You know what is amazing? We look forward to being old together as much as we enjoy being young together.

    So, yes, I am a lucky SOB. It's just for so many more reasons than her body and face.

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