Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Please critique! First bird shots.

    This is my first attempt at wildlife, any suggestions, comments appreciated!
    Last edited by payn817; 07-11-2006 at 04:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Member PhotoGimp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Please critique! First bird shots.

    Good first try, birds are tough!!!! The first one is good, framing is a bit tight, would have been good to fit all of the two geese in, and the head of the goose in the top left is a bit distracting, the second one would be better if you were lower to the ground (I think). I've been trying birds for a while now, holy crap tough! Especially when you get into cardinals and blue jays. Have fun

  3. #3
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Re: Please critique! First bird shots.

    The tough part about these guys was that there were like 20 of them and they came to me. I have heard they can be mean, and was trying to watch them all as they surrounded me. I have a few more pics, with different angles and such, but could only post so much, I will post more tomorrow for further advice. Thanks very much for your imput, I will definately use it next time i get so lucky as to find a similar scene.

  4. #4
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Please critique! First bird shots.

    I would love the first one, except the third goose is sticking his head in there, and that throws things off for me. The composition is great minus that third bird. One the second one, the colors are off for me, and it seems that the overexposed area in the top of the frame is very bothersome (though that is related to the color problem).

    Nice shot and keep on shooting,


  5. #5
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Re: Please critique! First bird shots.

    Didn't even notice the third goose until it was pointed out, guess I don't pay enough attention. There are probably better ones in all the shots taken. I just liked the composition in this one, with the birds in opposite corners. They were so curious about me, they were hard to shoot.

  6. #6 Rakesh's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Mumbai , India

    Re: Please critique! First bird shots.

    Nice pics. I think the second one is a bit underexposed, as far as the birds are concerned. It is difficult to shoot black and white birds b'cos exposure is tricky.

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