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  1. #1
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    #1 On the beach - shots for your critique...

    Here are three shots that I took when I left florida running from Frances. I went to the Outer Banks and the first time I took out my camera was the night I arrived. Put it on the tripod with the remote cord attached.
    Dumb thing, I had the remote switch attached to my shirt, so when I walked up a few feet to see if anyone was trying to get into my car (had everything I owned in it), it pulled the tripod over and I had to watch in slow motion while my camera crashed on the sidewalk.. Head first. I thought none of my pics would turn out and I was out of a camera, but thank God that wasn't the case. I never had so many shots turn out good. Here are a few that are similar. Please let me know any thoughts your have, especially criticism.
    Thanks, Kit
    Last edited by shesells; 09-22-2007 at 07:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Oh what the heck, here's another one...
    Last edited by shesells; 09-22-2007 at 06:51 PM.

  3. #3
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin
    I'm especially drawn to the first one. Great story! I just look and look at it with my mind going the whole time. Discomfort, judgement, sympathy, disgust, humor...I feel it all.

    In the third one, it would be really funny if the bird was running, too.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nice shots shesells. #2 would have been a winner if you have zoomed out or taken a few steps back and kept the chairs on the right site.

    One thing I want to mention though; use less sharpening, because you really use too much (or maybe the camera).

    Thanks for sharing ;)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    monroeville, pa, usa
    Quote Originally Posted by Elysian
    Nice shots shesells. #2 would have been a winner if you have zoomed out or taken a few steps back and kept the chairs on the right site.

    One thing I want to mention though; use less sharpening, because you really use too much (or maybe the camera).

    Thanks for sharing ;)
    can you comment in more detail on the over-sharpening? i look at the photos and do not see any over-sharpening.


  6. #6
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Kelly: Thanks for liking that first one, below is another view, which one do you like better?
    believe it or not but I was thinking "Story" while shooting that because your post a
    few weeks back made me start thinking that way. As for the runners.. Did you
    you notice that they both have their left leg up in the same position. That's what I
    was going for but the dumb bird put his leg down right as I took it! Loser bird!

    Elysian: Is this more what you mean for the chair shot? (below) Thanks for bringing up the
    sharpening. I definately do not want them too sharp. Now I notice the halo on the
    chairs.That's why I keep you around.

    Ckozo: So, do you like them?
    Last edited by shesells; 09-22-2007 at 06:51 PM.

  7. #7
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    I like the first one, it's just got a better shape. The second one looks like you caught her in a random moment. The overall story of the first one is total self-indulgence. The second one doesn't highlight that as much.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ckozo
    can you comment in more detail on the over-sharpening? i look at the photos and do not see any over-sharpening.
    This is what I mean:

    Black or white 'halos', the way most people call them, are the first indication. Every bit of sharpening will increase these halos, but one has to avoid to go too far. Too far (in my view) is when they become become apparent during the first seconds you look at a photograph.

    I have to admit though, all these years using Photoshop as a digital darkroom has trained my eyes, so in general I notice things like this (and color casts) quicker than most other people.

    The best way to learn how much to sharpen is to experiment with a few photographs and to memorize what you see when you go too far. If you're ever in doubt about how much to sharpen, then always sharpen less than what you consider ok.

    Take a look at the following image. You'll learn after a while that the area inside the circle is most definitely sharpened too much, because it looks artificial and has too much contrast (compare that part of the image with the same part in image marked "sharpen #2"). Actually when you go too far like this, you're going to lose those really fine details, like in this example the tiny little scratches (look again and you'll notice what I mean).
    You'll also learn that even image marked "sharpen #3" was sharpened slightly too much, because you quickly notice the black halo marked by the arrows.

    Getting sharp images starts at the camera/lens (the quality) and the experience of the user who knows how to avoid blurry images as much as possible and these are the best ways to avoid that you have to fall back on extensive sharpening that can lead to halos or artificial, contrasty looking shots.

    I hope that this helped you ckozo to answer your question.

  9. #9
    Excuse me while I burn in the sky Clicker's Avatar
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    Texas, USA
    I saw this the other night and felt the same exact way that, well, kellybean put it... i also found the first shot funny because she has this ***HUGE*** box of matches next to her, at the BEACH, hello, where there's water.. A lighter would of been much better and smarter, maybe you can clone that out and put in a bic? lol. Upon Viewing your second shot of this same woman, i agree that the first has much better composition to it and that it gives you more information to wonder about this womans life and day. All the second one made me wonder was, "dang, is that another cigarrette? She's chain ganging!" Also, I learned something from this post, because I didn't see the oversharpening either, until you posted the second for Elysian. I now see it in the crook of her arm in the first, and the sand... So Thanks, Elysian! And thanks Sheshells for posting an unsharpened version.
    The Chairs, I like both versions.. The second time i saw the original post i noticed the arm on the blue chair is cut off, but upon further inspection, it doesn't bother me - because it matches the yellow arm as well.( which is cut off by the blue chair).well, maybe a bit should be taken off the blue chairs arm... But, I also like the faraway shot because of the sky in the background - but they don't seem as vibrant....are they a little dark?

    Bird Chasers- I think the objects in the sky are distracting and think it would benefit from a crop.

    Couple walking, Very "baywatch" Technically.....the ocean seems a little bright, but it doesn't take away from them, it adds to them, they seem more vibrant. ( but I am a BAD BAD person to critique on technical aspects ! ( so ask Elysian)

    Glad you are back!

    What happens when you hit a Thousand? Should I watch for Balloons?

  10. #10
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Thats a good little sharpening tutorial. I rarely sharpen my photos for print, but it is suggested that when resizing for web, you should hit it minimaly in unsharp mask. Sometimes for the forum, I get in a hurry to get them on that I don't inspect them carefully, just pump them out. Thanks for the reminder. I'm gonna watch it closer. They must already be sharp enough out of the camera, because my usual setting in unsharp mask is around 80, 1, 3, which isn't much. Thanks again for noticing, keeps me on my toes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    My pleasure! ;)

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