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Tuna i really like the grainyness of your work, what do you shot with? or do you post process your shots ?
Thank you for the comment, Todd. This was shot with a Leica IIIc rangefinder on Ilford HP5 400 ASA film. This film is an experiment for me and I'm not sure I like it as much as the last batch of B&W film I had used - Kodak's 400 CN Pro B&W which is consistently good for all occasions - with a little better grain and tonal control.
I love ilford. For me it really has the best look among B&W films.
I am havig a very hard time with this one Tuna. It looks like to images in one. I don't mean like you overlayed or spliced, but like teher were 2 very good subjects close to eachother and you made one image of them. For me both subjects distract from each other, but i end up liking the entire image anyway. I'm just not sure, can you see my head spinning?
John Cowan
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
~Ernest Hemingway~
Almo, Jared - thank you for your comments and critique. Almo, I agree that each group could stand alone but was hoping the interaction of the two childrens reaction to the events of the photo session would pull it together. I also had difficulty with the composition - maybe angles and distance - which may be adding to your discomfort with the image. I wish I had been a little further to my right when I captured - it would have cleared the space around the left-most posing child and would have brought the two observing children on the left side more in line with our view...oh well.
Haven't been here for a while - work got in the way.
I really do like this photo and love the grainy film. Used to use a lot of ilford back in the old days.
I really like the composition and the angles of the interelated subjects especially the group on the right who bring your eyes through their eyes back to the main focus. The perspecitive in the tiles also leads you to the main subject.
The only problem I have is that the photographer is taking a photo against the wrong part of the building unless of course its in colour as the dark hair of the boy ang girl is masked in the door. But I guess this was out of your control.
Nice one. I do admire your skill.
Roger Reading
"I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass."from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson
My Web Site: DSLR
Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro Digital
Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100