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Thread: Országház

  1. #1
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    National Assembly of Hungary.

    All feedback and critique appreciated as always!

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

    Havana Cuba Photography

  2. #2
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Well Liban; on my Mac that looks just about perfect.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Ah man, cool shot! I am not fond of the crop and centered-ness of this one, and yet - both the sky and the water look so beautiful, I can't decide which one I want to see less of. I think some may critique that this should be HDR or something,but I personally prefer the natural lights and shadows. I also think I'd crop the left and right edges so it isolates the building, I think the background buildings blend into the main one in a not so complimentary way (not much you can do about that but crop).

  4. #4
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Beautiful! I love the colors and the reflection of the main dome. I also wondered about the cropping and can only add that I don't want anything to go away.

  5. #5
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Tom, thanks man!

    Anbesol, I don't mind the negative space so much. I love negative space in my photos, breathing room for the eyes. I totally agree with you on the HDR thing. This definitely doesn't need an HDR. not many shots need it. thanks for the suggestions!

    Arne, thank you!

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

    Havana Cuba Photography

  6. #6
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Why would anyone want to spoil this via HDR conversion? It's perfect as is. How did you get the exposure like this? Details in the water with controlled highlights, etc. Great job.

  7. #7
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    I agree with Dray. Don't fix it if it isn't broke. Great work.
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  8. #8
    Member NKP68's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Beautiful. Great colors and mood. I do have a very small and minor nit pick; It may be nice to see some detail on the four small roofs sections. Wonderful image.

  9. #9
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    I think some more sky would be even better for this one.

  10. #10
    Just Lurking
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    Re: Országház

    I would probably give the shadows a slight tweak, but not much more than that.

    Nicely done.

  11. #11
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Trying to think of something to improve this..........
    Nup cant do it.

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  12. #12
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Excellent shot! The lighting on the water and the builing are very well done, Jeff :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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  13. #13
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Seth, I have about three layers on top of my original raw which i exposed properly for the dome and the bottom lights.

    layer1: motion blur (sideways) of the water, nothing too dramatic, mayb 5-10 in photoshop, to slightly get rid of the harshness of some of those waves.

    layer 2: a slight gradiant darkening from the bottom, which controlled the darkness of the water and adds depth.

    layer 3: an even slighter gradient darkening of the top going down, may 1 inch off the top to add a bit of depth and more focus on the subject.

    that's it! Thanks!

    Greg, Thank you!

    NK, thanks for the suggestion, I think when i view this at original size, there's a bit of detail there. i'll see if i can add a bit more via dropping in another layer from my raw file.

    AE, i agree, perhaps that would be even better, thanks.

    Pete, thank you!

    Jeff, thanks!

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

    Havana Cuba Photography

  14. #14
    Member Marc2B4's Avatar
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    Re: Országház

    Great night shot. Postcard stuff!

  15. #15
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Országház

    thanks Marc!

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

    Havana Cuba Photography

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