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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    New to Photography

    I'm pretty new to photography. Took a class yesterday and captured these. I'm curious to know what others think.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails New to Photography-photo-class-april-2011-01.jpg   New to Photography-photo-class-april-2011-02.jpg   New to Photography-photo-class-april-2011-03.jpg   New to Photography-photo-class-april-2011-07.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: New to Photography

    These are all pretty good. I like the shallow depth of field to isolate the subject in the first three. Composition is good in all, but I especially like the last ( I play with angles a lot too)
    Third shot I might have waited until the traffic in the background cleared, but that's a nitpick.

    Welcome to the forum; I'd like to see more from you in the future

  3. #3
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: New to Photography

    Welcome to Photography Review. My favorite is the last one of the bunch, Jeff
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  4. #4
    Member Iguanamom's Avatar
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    Re: New to Photography

    unusual perspective in the first one. generally they're well composed. looks to be a great start.

  5. #5
    banished Asmarlak's Avatar
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    Re: New to Photography

    This what I really really like to see from beginners. Not only that you got good eye and from I can see, good use of photoshop or some editing program but also trying to add personality to your work and make it different. #1 would have great if the subject of your focus was a person or a colorful flower but the color in background is more intense that the subject in focus. #2 would have been great if you crop much of the blurred background to a vertical orientation.
    Last edited by Asmarlak; 04-03-2011 at 01:31 PM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: New to Photography

    It looks great for a beginner. My favorite is probably the one with the railroads. The cup sitting on the fence is a nice tough to give the photo some more depth.
    Focusing on all types of photography and enjoying others photos while working in the field part-time for over a decade.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: New to Photography


    My few comments:

    Photo #1 - nice depth of field. I think it is clear the plant was the subject, but I am not sure why it is significant enough to photograph. I like the patterns on the building better, but I would perhaps make them sharp and use the plant as out of focus foreground. The upper right corner is a little "burned" - loss of highlight detail. Perhaps try framing the shot with it out all together, as it does not add much.

    Photo #2 - i enjoy the color and tone. Interesting DOF exercise - the flag is in focus, however it does leave me curious as to why this is significant?

    Photo #3 - probably my favorite. Excellent eye for finding the unusual in the usual. The tracks curve and provide a good compositional element, however one soon realizes perhaps the cup on the right is meant to be the subject, and exploring it me makes me curious who was there, what were they thinking, were they bored and similar ...a photo that I would stop a think about ...and I like that about photos :-)

    Photo #4 - I like the exposure, color and mood. However, it doesn't provide enough context for the to know what this is a part of or why it is significant ...perhaps as a detail photo in a larger documentary / portfolio grouping it would work well.

    Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing your "around".

  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: New to Photography

    Welcome to the forums. Looks like you're learning the power of depth of field (DOF)! It really draws attention to certain areas of the image. The top three work in that respect. I would still watch out for too many things happening in the scene and background, though, as DOF strategies can only do so much. The bottom one's intriguing, but not sure I can really say that I like it or dislike it, but it's composition just grabs me.

    Hope to see more of your work

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  9. #9
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: New to Photography

    As noted, you have a great start here. Good use of angles and dof, and the use of foreground objects and se;lective focus is creative and adds depth.
    As all of these are composed quite nice but I, like llewpics wonder about the significance of the subjects. I do like the 3rd and 4th but the 1st and 2nd leave me wondering as to the meaning or significance of them.
    Def a great start, and looking forward to more
    please do not edit and repost my photos


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