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Thread: My Road...

  1. #1
    Beginner plchung's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Hong Kong

    My Road...

    Snapshots, would like to have your valuable comments.

    Best Regards,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My Road...-lion-rock-o501.jpg   My Road...-lion-rock-o504.jpg   My Road...-lion-rock-o506.jpg  

  2. #2

    Re: My Road...

    Quote Originally Posted by plchung
    Snapshots, would like to have your valuable comments.

    Best Regards,

    Hello Alex,

    Your first picture doesn't works for me. To me, it's just well... a snapshot! Actually, the young kid (your boy I assume) doesn't really stand out int the scene despite being located in the foreground. Also, the shadow in the bottom shouldn't be.

    That being said, I find your two last pictures to be quite striking! They are both very well composed shots that give me a strange but compelling feeling about the child doing is things in the journey of life (if that makes any sense...). It's a great, imaginative take on the world.


  3. #3
    Beginner plchung's Avatar
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    Hong Kong

    Red face Re: My Road...

    Hi Seb,

    thanks a lot for your comment. Yeah the first one doesn't sound interesting at all, just because it was taken in the same occasion that's why I put it together. Thanks again for your valuable comment. Sorry that I didn't always give you (and your great photos) my feedback, as you know I am a bit unsure about my uninformed viewpoint. I'm still learning.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Vancouver, BC

    Re: My Road...

    something seems funny
    a little kid walking in the street by himself
    no one else is around but him.
    he just walks. not a worry on his mind

    Seems kinda creepy for some reason

  5. #5
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Jersey City, NJ

    Re: My Road...

    I prefer the 2 bottom images. They each make interesting shots because the sole focus is on the boy walking alone. (Although we all know that he really wasn't alone) I'm a big fan of people shots and with both images you did not do the typical shots.
    This is what makes them all the more interesting. Good work. Keep it going.

  6. #6
    Beginner plchung's Avatar
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    Hong Kong

    Re: My Road...

    thanks nina and 92135011. somehow these pictures reflect my way of being a father - leave him alone with minimal gudiance and maximum exploration. If there is anything that I would like him to do, that would be photograhy.



  7. #7

    Re: My Road...

    Quote Originally Posted by plchung
    Hi Seb,

    thanks a lot for your comment. Yeah the first one doesn't sound interesting at all, just because it was taken in the same occasion that's why I put it together. Thanks again for your valuable comment. Sorry that I didn't always give you (and your great photos) my feedback, as you know I am a bit unsure about my uninformed viewpoint. I'm still learning.



    Alex, I am glad to help and I thank you for your kind comment on my work.
    You shouldn't hesitate to comment on others pictures. Most of us (myself included) are just amateur photographers and commenting on others work is a valuable learning experience.

    That being said, if you truly do not feel comfortable about commenting my pictures then I have no problem with that but I just want you to know that I appreciate all kind of imput!


  8. #8
    Beginner plchung's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Hong Kong

    Re: My Road...

    Quote Originally Posted by Seb
    Alex, I am glad to help and I thank you for your kind comment on my work.
    You shouldn't hesitate to comment on others pictures. Most of us (myself included) are just amateur photographers and commenting on others work is a valuable learning experience.

    That being said, if you truly do not feel comfortable about commenting my pictures then I have no problem with that but I just want you to know that I appreciate all kind of imput!


    Seb, will try to do that next time. :-)



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