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Thread: Model 2

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Model 2

    Here is another young model that we shot today. She has very intense, artsy looks and takes direction well. I'm thinking she may also have bright modeling future. Like the other model I posted today, she's 17.

    PS - The photo shoot theme was "Guns and Roses."

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    Re: Model 2

    Hot in too many ways to recount.

    I'll be in my bunk.

  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    I think the model is good but I don't like the bg nor the missing parts of the gun.
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  4. #4
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    The raindrops were kind of distracting for me after I tried figuring out where her belly button is. If there were more of the raindrops it might have had an interesting look, but currently they appear as scratches or little rays of light.

    I do think for the midriff, the belly button should be showing. Not a fashion photographer but it would establish her mid section. Who knows. Beautiful girl, neat idea and I agree the barrel should be in full view also. How bout a short barrel, collapsible stock AR-15.

  5. #5
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    Re: Model 2

    Model is beautiful and her expression is great for the scene. Good lighting on her but the sky seems a little bright. The railing is out of place, I think. Chainlink and barbed wire would be great...all and all, you did a good job.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Model 2

    When you said she was intense, you hit the nail on the head, she has a very intense look. I'm not liking the way she is holding the gun, it seems very unnatural. But all in all a good photo with a very pretty young model!
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  7. #7
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    I think it's a good photo. Pretty girl. You did a good job with what looks like strong backlighting.

    Since it is a critique forum, I looked a little closer. My first thought is the finger in the trigger guard. I've been around enough gun nuts to know that is a "no-no." The was she is holding the gun doesn't look natural either. In fact, I would have preferred her holding it down more causally and keeping it from dominating the photo so much. The fingernail polish looks out of keeping with a gun-toting hottie, too.

    Like the other posters, I found myself looking for her belly button.

  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    Thanks guys and gals. This shoot was one of many our club hosts; they are not 100% professional shoots so to speak, slightly more learning shoots than anything for both the photographers and the models. (Not to say you can't get incredible shots if you know what to do.) The one thing that comes to mind is how we just pose the models wherever we can w/ whatever we have. Sort of a B-movie approach.

    This model is of Puerto Rican descent. Tan skin, dark eyes, black hair and very white teeth. This creates a lot of contrast that you will see in subsequent posts (I have a few of her). She also has a slightly edgy personality with artistic vision but is very easy to work with, so I do think she has a lot of potential in modeling, maybe even beginning acting.

    Daq, you're always quick with wit.

    Frog, best I could do, though I totally agree with you. The background is less distracting to me than the clipped off rifle, which I can't PS without an incredible amt of work I will check my other pix and see what I have that may rival this shot's intensity but still have everything in it.

    Thanks Bretm1, and welcome to the forum. YES! I wish her belly button was showing too, sort of makes me wonder if it's above or below her shirt, an annoying mystery to boot (I think it's above...). When I first saw those rain drops I was puzzled, I have never ever captured rain that looked like this before. That was a SA AK47 btw, where according to the owner the barrel had been modified for CA law. I thought that assault rifles were outlawed here many years ago... guess not.

    Paula - Ahhhh, you have such great vision and ability to suggest nice improvements. I knew this was a 'grab' background (like "go stand over there"..) but I didn't know what would work even if I had the opportunity to change it. That barbed wire idea is excellent, though chain would work also. I wanted to walk her around to see if we could find a better background, but,.. walking around a crowded area with an assault rifle isn't really the smartest thing to do. I think this calls for some PP.

    Skydmark1, welcome too. yeah, she's holding it like a complete novice. But how many 17 y.o. gals know how to hold an assault rifle and, unfortunately, it appears that the stock is too long for her anyway. Better luck next prop.

    I think I will try a few wild post processing expts on this one (IF I can find the time!)

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  9. #9
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    Re: Model 2

    Yeah guess you should have got the muzzle of the rifle in the shot. If this model will repose with the gun some face paint and dramatic lighting might be in order.

  10. #10
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    Re: Model 2

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Paula - Ahhhh, you have such great vision and ability to suggest nice improvements...
    :blush2: I do? Wow, thanks -- you are too kind

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  11. #11
    Member chaman's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    Not bad but...where is my love....? Talia come back I miss you!! LOL!

  12. #12
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    It might be difficult to get the model and gun together again Daq... the fellow who brought it in I've never seen before, and the model, not being 18, complicates things. But who knows: perhaps we can do an outdoors shoot next to the shipyard here, which has MUCH better scenery for this type shot (as Paula mentioned it needs)!!

    Paula, Ha, Yes, keep suggestin' .. I need to learn to think on my feet better during these type of shoots, and your ideas are opening things up for me!

    Hey Chaman, I haven't seen Talia in awhile.. Too bad for us photographers !!!

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  13. #13
    Senior Member PhilF's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    somebody should have showed her how to hold a gun

  14. #14
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    Re: Model 2

    How to hold a gun? What is your expert advice? Enlighten us. Given that she is all sexy and **** she could be pointing at my face and I would be momentarily happy.

  15. #15
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    What gun?


  16. #16
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    I like the shot....
    Exposure gives the right feel on what I'm assuming is a pure natural light shot.
    She could have used a bit more light to bring out the conture of her neck a bit.
    ( bring a large piece of white board, and an assistant to hold it next time.)
    The BG is fine...urban warfare?
    The way she holds the gun gives a feeling of vulnerability that belies the look on her face.
    Judging from the comments?
    It worked!
    Sounds like it was a fun shoot.
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  17. #17
    Senior Member PhilF's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    Quote Originally Posted by daq7
    How to hold a gun? What is your expert advice? Enlighten us. Given that she is all sexy and **** she could be pointing at my face and I would be momentarily happy.
    hmmm... that wouldn't be a bad idea. :idea:

    well you don't have to be an expert to know how to hold a gun. just like holding a spoon and fork.... eh?

    The model is attractive but if you use props, at least do your research in how to use it.

  18. #18
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    It was a fun shoot; pretty models, cool fellow photographers and a decent array of props. I think the main issue with her holding the weapon is simply that the stock is too long. Maybe it was adjustable (I didn't really look)?

    Snoid, I did use a fill flash here. It was absolutely necessary because she silhouetted the first shot I snapped.

    Here's another of her -- On guard South America! I say.. She may just start a revolution.
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  19. #19
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    Re: Model 2

    Quote Originally Posted by draymorton
    What gun?


    Hehe -- you guys are fun -- and funny...

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  20. #20
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    Having read all the comments, I have to say that I really like the first shot. It has an editorial "freedom fighter/urban guerrilla" vibe that just works for me.
    Second shot could probably use a little separation between the model and background (hair light/gridspot on BG) but a great pose and nicely controlled light on the subject.

    Whose to say she's not poppin' a fresh banana clip in after a little street sweepin' ?
    (probably after cleaning up a bunch of dudes so busy holding their guns that they couldn't get their rifles up to their shoulders in time )

  21. #21
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    #1 might benefit from a skillful conversion to b/w or some work in color balance. As it is, it's an interesting shot, but the colors don't work for me. The image needs to be brought together somehow.

    I'm not too sure about the lighting in #2, but don't know what you could have done differently. Another modifier? More power from the main light? Multiple light sources? Not sure, but something is needed.

  22. #22
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim
    Having read all the comments, I have to say that I really like the first shot. It has an editorial "freedom fighter/urban guerrilla" vibe that just works for me.
    Second shot could probably use a little separation between the model and background (hair light/gridspot on BG) but a great pose and nicely controlled light on the subject.

    Whose to say she's not poppin' a fresh banana clip in after a little street sweepin' ?
    (probably after cleaning up a bunch of dudes so busy holding their guns that they couldn't get their rifles up to their shoulders in time )
    Separation - so true! We really needed a hair light with models with black hair... I think I'll buy a cheap one and throw it in my big pile of junk for just such a situation. Positioning it is another thing: its best to suspend from the ceiling, but that's not possible at that studio. I guess a very tall stand is the next best solution.

    The Freedom Fighter / Urban guerrilla concept is great .. We will have to do another shoot just using that theme.

    This model looks like she has a temper! but she was actually quite calm :thumbsup:
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  23. #23
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    Don't know how much more crap you're willing to drag along to these shoots (I'm up to about half a pickup truck load as it is) but something that's worked great for me in less than ideal circumstances is to set up a second background stand, attach a superclamp then attach the hairlight to that. Booms work great for pack heads but unless you shell out the BIG bucks, they aren't stout enough to handle monolights safely.

  24. #24
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    Re: Model 2

    There is nothing whatsoever wrong with the way she is holding the gun except for the fact that she is violating the gun safety rule of never putting your finger on the trigger unless you intend to shoot. Of course, I am only assuming she did not intend to shoot. If she is planning to use the gun, then she is not holding it right. If she is just doing a playful pose, then I am unaware of canonical rules of gun manipulation.

    G: Sounds as if to be safe, you need to study all proper rules of prop manipulation to avoid "constructive" criticism.

  25. #25
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    Thanks for the advice Jim. I would prefer to go the cheap route since I'm not in the 'biz' FT or anything. I don't mind trucking stuff - finding the room to store it here at the condo is getting challenging though

    Dray, thanks. The colors are a bit, well, pinkish and probably not what you'd expect from a gal with an AK-47 - or are they? What I need to do is take her out of this pic and place her in a different bckg altogether.

    Regarding the 2nd post, the colors are different on my home monitor and laptop. Her hair fades too much into the bkgd and I saw this coming - alas, we had no hair light ! I was walking around looking for a flashlight or whatever, just didnt see one. I am curious what you suggest to get the pop .. But I think it's a tough one.

    Daq, yeah, she's a beginner and the owner of the gun was off photographing another gal. It really doesn't bother me too much when someone corrects my prop usage though .. it's all part of learning. What's a bit surprising is how the gun owner allowed us to just get up and walk away with his beloved assault rifle - the gun owners I've known in my life, that was worse than messing with their girlfriend !!

    Anyway folks, what do you think of this post processing experiment? The background's Berlin. Poor gal's almost a East Berlin guard here, but it's all for fun. I say "almost" because this shot was actually taken from the West Berlin side of the wall, by me, in '85.

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