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Thread: Model 2

  1. #26
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    I love the experiment! Very well done. What method (or software) did you use for cutting her out? Compositing is still a scary term to me.

    I didn't mean that the colors in #1 are "off," per say, as much as they just don't blend together. CB would help, but I still think it might look best in b/w.

    Getting the pop in #2 would require hair and rim lights, I think. But I'm no lighting expert. I was thinking a second side light like the one Gary used in his latest Steampunk shot.

  2. #27
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    Re: Model 2

    That latest shot is really cool. Seriously though a gun owner that does not school the model in gun safety is a bit dodgy. But I reiterate there it nothing wrong with the pose she is taking. Even an experienced shooter might hold it that way for effect in my opinion. In fact I bet there are poses where actual killers have posed in more absurd positions...

  3. #28
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    Re: Model 2

    I like your new background. If you could make those autos go away it would be even better! I am amazed what a little know-how can do to a photo.

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  4. #29
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Model 2

    Thanks all on the background. I think it's interesting, but like someone here at work said, w/ her tanned skin color it would be better w/ a jungle background (I am thinking Chi). Maybe a blonde model would be best for Berlin eh?

    Dray, I used FLUID MASK to cut her out and paste her into the background. It creates a PNG with what appears to be varying transparency with hair - the hardest part to get right. The final cut out still requires some clean up - could be better on borders between pants/arms and background. It cost about $150, a bit high, ... but it works. Topaz suite is prob a better value and includes a remasking tool though I haven't tried it yet. Thks for the ideas on the rim and hair lights. Lighting is so important with models, I've got a ways to go in learning it all.

    Daq - sounds like you know your weapons! Why not try such a shoot out there? Give it a shot and let us know how it goes.

    Paula, thanks too, but what's wrong with a car back there? This is West Berlin btw.

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  5. #30
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Model 2

    I'll be looking into Fluid Mask. I downloaded the demo for Topaz ReMask and honestly can't figure out what makes it so "easy." If you ever happen to figure it out, let me know.

  6. #31
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    Re: Model 2

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Paula, thanks too, but what's wrong with a car back there? This is West Berlin btw.

    I'm challenged when it comes to cars so I am guessing there's significance between WB and cars?? Sorry. DH puts gas in them and I go is all I really know...=)

    It's really not the cars per se as much as it is that oh so black tire so close to her arm. To me, it's distracting. Not a huge deal, but it's a nit -- and the only one I could find.

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