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What I did to this shot was up the saturation and cropped it.
The magic of photography is metaphysical. What you see in the photograph isn't what you saw at the time. The real skill of photography is organized visual lying. - Terence Donovan
Feel free to edit my photos, Just be kind enough to let me know what you did to it.
Sony A350
Sony 18-70 3.5 - 5.6
Minolta 50 1.7
Minolta 70-210 4.5 - 5.64
I like what you saw here in the colors and textures. good spotting. the issues i have with this image are
1. The crop is too tight, especially at the right where the lock almost meets the edge. I feel it can also use a crop from the bottom to make it , say an 8x10 format. This would bring the lock down below keeping it out of the center area.
2. I think an older more worn out lock would be a lot more interesting for this type of shot where the subject is texture and old rustic appeal.
I like the colors and the sharpness is good enough. I also like the off angle perspective which adds some charm to it.
Not bad all in all.