Everything is in a state of upheaval at the moment. I have no darkroom as we have just moved house. I am having to scan new negatives in and have a rough play with them on photoshop as oppose to scanning a finished print in. This is one of them. Mangrove swamps on Lamu Island in Kenya. Would be good to see what other people think. There is more of my "unfinished" new work in the work in progress folio.
Other upheavals in my little world of photography include a brand new site which is not quite finished but close enough. Again if anyone wishes to pass judgement on the work within I'd love to listen. www.TobyDeveson.com The site is a bit radical in its simplicity and I know alot of people will question that. I believe though that the average person should be able to work their way around despite this. Most people are web literate by now and it is only common sense! Or at least I hope so as I spent along time trying to get a design that is only about the images and nothing else!
Thanks for your time, look forward to your opinions.