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Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    I photgraphed this dragonhunter today with a D70 and Tmaron 90mm macro lens plus a Tamron 1.4x teleconverter. It is cropped vertically. Tell me what you think and how you would improve it, please.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?-dfcrop2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Member >JJ<'s Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    Wow, great detail!, the eye's are amazing!.

    For me the background is to dark, I cant really put my finger on it but I think it detracts from the photo.

    Thats it.

  3. #3
    Opinionated Newbie
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    Portsmouth, NH

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    YOU ARE THE KING OF MACRO! <horns heard in background. cheering. Shrek and Donkey walk into frame...>

    This photo is amazing. Personally, I don't think the dark background is an issue. The focus is on the face of this cute little pu... bug. The color of the eyes. The multiple sections of the eyes (imagine what he saw with all those camera lenses pointed at him -- must have felt like Jennifer Aniston outside the emmy's ). The freakin' hairs on the face!

    I was wondering, I assume that NONE of this detail was visible to the naked eye. I assume it was visible through the lense. That must be an incredible feeling when you first see "the shot".

  4. #4
    Smelly Student Hindey's Avatar
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    Cheshire, UK University: Warwick, UK

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    At the moment, it's a bit too surreal for me. I don't like the cartoon-ishness of the eyes. Stunning detail picked up by the camera though. Not a bad photograph in any sense of the word, it just doesn't please me.

    Last edited by Hindey; 10-02-2004 at 08:05 PM. Reason: Too late, I can't type.

  5. #5
    Obsessive-compulsive... Steph_B's Avatar
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    Cleveland, OH

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lava Lamp
    I photgraphed this dragonhunter today with a D70 and Tmaron 90mm macro lens plus a Tamron 1.4x teleconverter. It is cropped vertically. Tell me what you think and how you would improve it, please.
    This is a fantastic shot... You are the little bug hunter!

    The dark background is not an issue for me too. However, I would have liked to have the branch in focus.

    Just my 2 cents....


  6. #6
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    May 2004

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    Lava.. lol it does look like that. The only thing that ruins the cuteness is that hairy leg..::cringe::. when you roll the page up to hide the leg and branch, I think it looks better. Also gives it a square frame, which suits it.

  7. #7
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Patten
    YOU ARE THE KING OF MACRO! <horns heard in background. cheering. Shrek and Donkey walk into frame...>

    This photo is amazing. Personally, I don't think the dark background is an issue. The focus is on the face of this cute little pu... bug. The color of the eyes. The multiple sections of the eyes (imagine what he saw with all those camera lenses pointed at him -- must have felt like Jennifer Aniston outside the emmy's ). The freakin' hairs on the face!

    I was wondering, I assume that NONE of this detail was visible to the naked eye. I assume it was visible through the lense. That must be an incredible feeling when you first see "the shot".
    I could see some of the detail and tried to focus so I could see the compound eyes as well as I could, but no, I couldn't see the little hairs on his chin. It was cool to open and enlarge the image a bit and see it all there. To give some context on his size, I stepped back a few time and kept having trouble finding him again.

  8. #8
    Excuse me while I burn in the sky Clicker's Avatar
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    Texas, USA

    Re: Looks a bit like a puppy-dog, don't you think?

    this little guy is so cool!! all he needs is little puppy dog ears! Good job! I agree about the stick... I find the eyes to be the main draw, and the lightness of the stick is kinda strange.. But he might look like he is floating with out it, but he is a bug afterall... they float.. or fly or crawl...


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