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Seems you wanted to have the people in the foreground included in the picture,
but the focus seem a bit soft in the near rocks, trees and people, I can't tell if it is like that after uploading it to the site
Maybe I would have used a higher f stop, or try it focusing on the group of people so the shooter speed is still decent for hand held (?)
Also I would have tried to include a bit more sky on top of the mountain, but again it may cause problems to also include the people in the image
Man, I sire do love Mt Robson. I've driven through there once and I don't know if any mountain has made more of an impression on me. That's one big chunk of rock!
I think you did a pretty good job on the composition here. I like the people - they give the scene scale. I would have tried to include them, too. I usually like people in my landscapes. They give most landcapes more meaning for me. I am interested in the way we relate and fit into the environment. So a landscape that includes people usually works better for me. I think the composition might have been a bit stronger if you were a bit closer and to the left of the people, though. They're a little far from the mountain in the composition. Moving left or taking the photo earlier would have given them a bit more prominence and also moved the eye more quickly to the mountain. I also wish the crop on the top of the mountain wasn't so tight. Could be that's the best you could do with your lens, though. That's one of those things it's easy for a critic to judge in hindsite
I agree that the image looks a bit soft. And I'm guessing it's just a JPEG setup issue. The content is great, though. You've definitely got a good eye and did a good job composing a nice shot. Let us know if you need some help setting up your images for the Web. Just resizing is not enough. There are a whole bunch of other little tricks that make a big difference. It's not complicated or anything. You just need someone to show you how it's done
This pic was taken "spur of the moment". I saw the "scene" and only had a brief moment to snap the shot with the lens I had attached. I'm with you John... I only like people in my landscapes when it shows perspective.
Nothing like Mt Robson... gives me an excuse to go back.
Have to agree with the others that a bit more sharp would have been a bonus, but I think it's really good anyway. I like your composition. Great eye to see this "on the grab." I read once that one should look for geometric shapes as you compose. You accomplished this with the fore trees, people and mountain, and the red jacket sure didn't hurt you either. I'm enjoying your shots!
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.
Very beautiful mountain and I think the people add to the shot, though the photo does appear just a bit rushed somehow. I think I would have left more space above the mountain top so not to cramp it. I also looks just a tad tilted CCW though that may not be the case. Very saturated in a good way.
Interesting screen name .. Frog may sue for damages.
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