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Thread: Hangin' on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Brookings Oregon

    Hangin' on

    Well I like the subject but the overall scene was just a tad to dark I think. I was trying to get the snow right and adjusted the settings by +1 on the exposure. What else might have helped this photo??

  2. #2
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Hangin' on

    Well its good that it is dark, otherwise the white parts would be super blown. Adjust your fill in raw, or adjust it in tonal curves or shadow/highlights. Can't do much before it looks obvious, but a tad bit may help this image. FWIW, considering the light - I think this was a good exposure.

  3. #3
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Hangin' on

    It's really great that you underexposed this. It insured that you got a sharp action photo. to fix it, like Anbesol said, all you have to do is fill in your shadow using something like shadow/highlight in Photoshop. A value of 50% should do the trick.

    As for the photo, really good composition, with the kid on the right and ample room for him to move in to on the left side of the frame. The look on his face is also great. lol.

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

    Havana Cuba Photography

  4. #4
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Guadalajara Mexico

    Re: Hangin' on

    Awesome timing! good composition, sharp, good exposure, and I love the expression

    If you can try again, maybe at a different time of the day, I do not know if it would be possible to have the sun provide better illumination

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Brookings Oregon

    Re: Hangin' on

    Well amando_m if I remember correctly the time was around 3:30 in the afternoon, The sun was to our backs and dropping behind the mountains pretty fast. Most of the shots were either blown out of just to dark towards the end. I don't get to shoot snow much so I took the camera along to try my luck. I will PS like Anbesol, and Leels have suggested. :thumbsup: Thanks for all of the advice everyone it sure has helped in my photos.:thumbsup: I have also learned on here to prefocus for these types of shots, Getting as sharp of an image as I can before the subjet enters the viewfinder.

  6. #6
    Driven to Improve ScapeGrace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Hangin' on

    The mix of intense concentration and sheer terror in his face is...priceless
    No qualms, I've had a very good laugh Thank you!

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