First Post :) Praying Mantis Photograph...comments?
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Re: First Post :) Praying Mantis Photograph...comments?
Interesting shots and I am especially impressed considering what lens you used to get them as I never thought of the 24-70 as much of a macro lens. I have been seeing a lot of praying mantises around lately but it seems like I only see them when I don’t have a macro lens handy and on windy days LOL. The first shot does look a little OOF but hey, you weren’t even using a macro lens and it is a cool shot all the same. Keep up the good work.
Re: First Post :) Praying Mantis Photograph...comments?
I am probably committing a deadly sin by downloading and adjusting another members image, if so please forgive a newbie.( Member not photog). The critter images are fine given the lens used, however the creek shot is a bit gloomy and lacks depth of field. Perhaps a tripod and a smaller f stop. I gave it a tweak in curves for you to compare
Re: First Post :) Praying Mantis Photograph...comments?
well, for some reason all of your pictures are realy grainy, but nice job on the praying mantis, but it can be better if there is less grain, keep up the good work
Re: First Post :) Praying Mantis Photograph...comments?
Originally Posted by Stanley
I am probably committing a deadly sin by downloading and adjusting another members image, if so please forgive a newbie.( Member not photog). The critter images are fine given the lens used, however the creek shot is a bit gloomy and lacks depth of field. Perhaps a tripod and a smaller f stop. I gave it a tweak in curves for you to compare
That is fine I am actually glad you showed me some comparison there.
I liked the dull look just because it looked kinda swampy. BUT I like how you brought more depth to the photo.