Please post no more than five images a day and respond to as many images as you post. Critics, please be constructive, specific, and nice! Moderated by gahspidy and mtbbrian.
By posting on the Photo Critique forum you agree to post only your own photos, be respectful, and give back as much as you receive. This is a moderated forum and anything abusive or
off-topic will be removed.
I like your shot, red and all! The only thing that's really bugging me is the slight tilt and/or geometric distortion that's making both the left and right side edges lean to the CCW. It's also affecting the bottom latch below the Quality logo. If you can fix those (and Photoshop has tools to do so: see the Lens Correction manual settings), I think you will have a winner.
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
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