Thaks Rod. I also like the original color best. I've tried a few expts to darken the sky, none worked very well.. I would have to mask out the sky and it would take a long time to get right (a friend of mine tried, a very quick edit, and you could very easily see the transition). I think its best without the bush (sounds like a political statement eh)
DR, I must have 1000 shots of bushes in the plains of White Sands. I will post one or two of those (the better ones) sometime. It's always a challenge to show an isolated bush with just the right lighting and background detail. I have about 1000 misses.
John, Thks, you should go out there and really see it (and photograph it)!
Grandpaw, that doesn't raise my eyebrows. I like Ansel Adams a lot, but not necessarily for the shots he has taken. I guess I look at him as more of a pioneer, sort of like Hillary climbing Mt Everest first but now thousands of people have done it. His zone system to calculate exposure back when there were no meters (I don't think) was great too. Thanks a lot of the comparison though. I actually work with someone who bumped into him in Yosemite once, he was carrying his tripod and just said hi.