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  1. #1
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Beijing, China

    Does anyone get the irony of this?

    I love this pic (in spite of poor comp) but no one else I've shown it to seems to get why. So, I figured I'd let my favorte critiquers have at it. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Does anyone get the irony of this?-sacred.jpg  

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  2. #2
    Smelly Student Hindey's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    Are we talking about the juxtoposition of religion and trash? It's certainly and interesting idea

    I think the composition lacks in that the bin and the blind (?) don't have enough empty space to interact. Cropping less of the bin and having some negative space to the left of it would probably help.

    Am I on the right lines?
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  3. #3
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    I really like the pic, D. The only thing I can come up with is from the no parking signs, ( I think that's what they are, look foreign) and the fact there seems to be a dumpster parked there. Not sure if that is the ironic part you were seeing.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    It is actually the surrounding of a sacred icon (in a hugely religious city: Florence, IT) by a trash bin, roadside signs, anti-theft bars and graffiti. On top of that, that this relic has a broken window pane on one side that exposes it to the elements, while on the other side the remaining pane is filthy.

    I would love to have shot it further to the left, but the guy urinating there probably wouldn't have signed the release form. I felt awkward stopping to take the pic but I knew I wouldn't be back that way.

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  5. #5
    Smelly Student Hindey's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    Might have added an extra touch! All well, interesting picture nonetheless.
    Currently playing with new S9500

  6. #6
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    I love this photo and especially the irony, the location Florence, the broken window, the half covered icon, the trash can under the icon, the bars on the windows, grafiti on the wall, and finally the no parking signs.

    From such a prominent catholic area of such beauty and then you get this, Very well spotted.

    I also like the way all the colours blend in and the composition - perfect, it really appeals to my weired sense of humour.

    When I first saw this I thought of 'Father Ted' the comedy series about three priests in Ireland, we have on TV. Or more accurately father Jack who's repituare includes "Drink", "Feck", "Girls", "Arse".

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  7. #7
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?


    You totally get it!! Don't know if that is bad news for you or for me. **wink**

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  8. #8
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    I was reading this thread and noticed your signature. D, is an interesting name. If I was curious to find out the way it came about, would I just simply say Howdy? to find out.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    Honestly?? I can't say that I find this picture all that interesting. Maybe it's the way you cropped or composed it, but I'm sorry, it does nothing for me.

  10. #10
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone get the irony of this?

    D, this is well seen and a good capture. there is great irony here as was pointed out already, and lots of contrasts as well. The old, washed out colors behind the bright plastic new age colors. The Old World meets the New Age. I think it was composed well, with my only nit pik being the top of the window frame being cut off. Also, after experimenting, I find that desaturating this image really adds strength to it. But don't just reduce saturation, rather, convert to b&w on another layer and then reduce opacity just enough to bring some color back. . .pm me if you'd like me to explain in detail.Anyhow, this is good and a subject well spotted.
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