What else could i say? almost nothing!
The PP work is admirable, congrats...:thumbsup:
The lighting on the hands has been suggested as alternative so yeah I'd like to see that once the reshoot is complete...
As for the framing, well i refrained to post a comment (I could have been the first) since i could not make up my mind... However, in the end, this is how i see it:
Considering that it was shot symmertrical, then i believe you improved it with your crop... If you intended it with this crop and shot it as such, then hey...your choice.... but at the end, i would agree with the point being made, that this could have been much better with a different crop... not saying symmetrical...i dislike the symmetry specially in such images.... Now, it is possible that a better version is in your other shots....but the point remains, the angle is great, and a different crop would have given even more power to an already powerful concept!
As for not changing if you don't agree, I completely agree and applaud your refusal to "sell out", but don't forget that this also works the other way around... You don't have to change for anyone, doesn't mean the comment is wrongno need to get so defensive (I am not fueling anything here, just giving my opinion)
Great images.... Looking forward to the rest!