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Thread: Desert Oasis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States

    Desert Oasis

    A couple of pics from Arizona creeks. Any comments.

    thanks shane
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Desert Oasis-beaver-creek-4-06.10.jpg   Desert Oasis-beaver-creek-3-06.10.jpg   Desert Oasis-beaver-creek-1-06-10.jpg  

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Desert Oasis


    Very pretty shots. I esp like the bottom shot though I wish it was a vertical format show with the same scene, but with the extra showing more of the trees at the top (if you can understand what I mean The middle shot is also very relaxing. The top one is interesting: a very nice expt, would be nice if they didn't ghost as much, but not sure if any other way would have produced such a double exp feel (unless you used a split mask and had the same person twice on the rock - idea for next time?)

    Overall, very good execution of your ideas. Looks like you had a very good choice of shutter speed for the waterfalls.


  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Desert Oasis

    I love the last one. Very well composed and the contrasting colors work greatly. The transparancy is a little too much for me on the first one.

    Nice shots,


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Seattle, Washington, USA

    Re: Desert Oasis

    I don't really go for the first one myself. The second one is superb, I can't think of anything I would change. The third one could use a little less rock, and a little more water to the left, to show where the water flows... the whole rule about giving your subject space to look (or flow) into in the photograph... but here you just crop the white splash area pretty arbitrarily.

  5. #5
    Junior Member SMOKEYmtbr's Avatar
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    Re: Desert Oasis

    The first pic it wierd, I am not really into experimental looking pics. The second one is sweet! the third is killer but not as killer as the second.

  6. #6 Rakesh's Avatar
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    Re: Desert Oasis

    I think all three are great......nice work shane.

  7. #7
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Desert Oasis

    Sorry I thought I'd replied to this but!

    I love all three and its hard to choose between them.

    I really like the ghostly image in the first I think this is terrific and is my favourite because it is so different.

    The second and third are excellent in composition, saturation, and brilliantly executed. My only minor criticism is of #2 and that there is an edge of rock cutting in at the bottom left. I find this a lttle distracting but them it does give the picture a bit of framing. So as you can see I'm not sure whether it should be removed or not.

    Personnaly I think this slowed water is becomming a little over used and I amd getting bored with the effect. Lets have some really ferocious tumbling water with droplets flying in the air - Now where is my nearest waterfall?
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Desert Oasis

    I guess everyone has a different opinion, but that's the point eh?
    The first with the ghost image is my favorite, and the only critique would be to use a more powerful angle with the water and rock, such as a low angle looking up to give the ghost figures more of an ethereal feel.
    The middle one is almost perfectly composed, just the same critique as before in leaving off some of the splash on the left hand side of the pic.
    The third low angle shot is neat concept, but could benefit from being a vertical composure to put more emphasis on the waterfall.
    All in all, great field work!
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