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:blush2: The first thing that came to my mind would be politically incorrect to say. Your park photo caught a nice pendulum swing of human emotion. You did the same thing here with the human physique.
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.
I love your eye for capturing candid human stories that go beyond the image to give insight into society in all the world.
That said, the composition of this one does not work for me.
The subject on left appears to be the main subject but losing his towel off frame and the blank distance to the next subjects,( are there two people or one), and their beach paraphernalia which all blends into the what I assume to be seaweed, just doesn't connect for me.
I think isolating the man with the towel and his awkward position would have worked better. Of course, I don't know what was on his left so that might not have worked either.
I think maybe this is a shot of some people that had their car break down driving through the desert and they were walking to get help and didn't make it, Jeff
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All images posted by me anywhere are Copyrighted by Federal Law and may not be copied or used in ANY FORM without my personal written permission.Jeff Impey "I decided years ago I was only going to have two types of days...Very Good Daysor just Plain Good DaysI just refuse to have Bad Ones!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Like Shebang, my first impression was to say something mean, but then I looked down and could not see my feet. After my first impression I see a tremondous statement about the differences and contrasts of the human physical condition.
In a perfect world you could have had the slender lady and the second man move closer to the first man. However when doing CANDID photography we have to use what is there and not pose the subjects.
Overall an extremely interesting and well done photograph, KUDOS.
Feel Free TO EDIT My Photos, But Please Tell Me Why
I have gone over to the dark side, no more film.
Canon T2i, 18-135 IS
Digital Point&Shot - Canon Powershot A470
My first though was how you had managed to get a shot of me sleeping the beach and my second was that if I had taken this I probably would have cropped everything out just leaving the very top right hand corner of the picture Joking aside, I like it a lot. I agree that having the guy's towel cut off is a bit 'distracting' and that a slightly different angle - bringing the couple in the top right slightly 'closer' to the main subject - might work better.
Tuna: When a photographer can not only capture the attention of so many, but also incite the imagination AND AT THE SAME TIME strike a chord that resonates within the heart of the viewer, THAT photographer is an artist. Good job!!!
I have laughed at this photo for two days. Why? Because it speaks to me in so many different ways. I am old enough (and fat enough) to realize this guy apparently has come to the realization he is not ever going to look like the young, thin people again, so, he just turns his back to that idea and is comfortable enough in his own skin to do his own thing anyway -- and I bet he is comfortable enough with himself that he can laugh at himself, too. Excellent capture!!!
I hope you're not offended by the humor -- as you can hopefully see, a lot of us are really laughing at ourselves -- cause we can so relate to this guy!
Grandpaw: Your "story" brought tears I laughed so hard -- "LSHIC" to use an acronym coined by my favorite Husker to "hate" said! (Laughing so hard I'm crying.)
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.