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Thread: Craft

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  1. #1
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    In progress.

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I'm not sure about the cut off violin on the left. The one on the right is fine.
    I don't like the glasses on his forehead and wish he were wearing as if using.

    Other than those quibbles, I like this a lot. Capturing the craftsman at his trade with the work in front of him and projects about the shop with tools.
    Thank God we still have some real craftsmen around.
    Keep Shooting!


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  3. #3
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Dray, I know this is a work in progress, but the single biggest distraction for me is that flare/refraction in the 2 center panes of the center window. A local contrast adjustment should take care of it. Not sure if I'd like to see a bit more cropped off the right/bottom, but maybe. I do like the way the violins under construction all point back to him, a subtle but effective use of the props.

  4. #4
    Clayhaus clayhaus's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    There is so much going on in this image. That's it strength and weakness. The craftsman should be the focus, but the infinite focus keeps my eye wandering all over before again resting on him. I don't mind as it is an interesting journey. "They" say" simplify, simplify, simplify, but there is nothing simple about this shot. And, I like that. Strong leading lines of the right side violin and table top. Nice diagonal of the held violin. Craftsman highlighted against a dark background. It might be a stronger "classic shot" if the left side was cropped a bit and top panes were darken. Fascinating capture.

  5. #5
    Member Dubbs5050's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I LOVE this ... being an ex-violinist myself, I have a lot of respect for this craft. I would like to see the whole violin in the bottom left of the frame, and the glare on the glass is a bit distracting, but I am a really big fan of this one. What was your light set up like? I think its amazing that you caught such clarity in those clouds through the window... are those PPd?

    If this is a work in progress, I am looking forward to seeing the final draft.
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  6. #6
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I think this is a wonderful character study--a man surrounded by his craft. Good work.

  7. #7
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I agree with Frog the violin on the left looks oddly placed or out of focus. I also agree with Jet with the window pane. But the clouds are a beautiful touch. I would like to see a version without the glasses on him at all or maybe placed on the table.
    It seems like some of the items on the left are out of focus and some are, maybe it's the shadows, quite strange. But I do like it that it is filled with detail but isn't busy.
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  8. #8
    Member PhoebeG's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    You do nice stuff.


  9. #9
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    After people started mentioning the clouds, I have to say that I really don't like them at all.
    They just look to artificial and more like a string of pictures hung on the wall.

    Did you try any with him actually working on one. I'd love to see one of him in the same position but working on one.
    Keep Shooting!


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  10. #10
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I like the picture and think you did a very good job. The first thing I notice is the glasses and think they need to go. I know I might be alone on my thoughts about the violin on the right but it just looks too big and distracting to me. I also find the partial violin on the left distracting. The overal detail is very nice and the windows do not bother me at all, Jeff
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  11. #11
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I have been looking at this a little longer and still think that the violin on the right is too big but it does give the photo a lot of depth and without in may leave the picture somewhat flat, Jeff
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  12. #12
    KyRain KyRain's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I like the placing of the violins so they don't look "fixed", but frame the craftsman very well, I like the clouds but am distracted by the bright light in the middle frame. What really works for me is the soul and depth you portrayed. I like the glasses on the forehead bc you would not expect them to be there, it lends a more personal touch.

  13. #13
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I have to say, I'm surprised at the various criticisms on this, but thats what this forum is about and I could not really argue against any of them, but for me this entire composition works.
    The one thing i might agree with is the bright area in the middle window, but it really does not distract me. I think you could tone it down, but thats about it for me.
    I love the clouds in the windows. . .it does look surreal and perhaps composited in, but they add a sort of fantasy like mood which there already seems to be somehow. . .sort of like Gepetto and Pinochio setting, There is lots to look over, but I find myself always coming back to the crafter. He stands out strong from the dark room behind him and his blue shirt is the only blue in the scene. The glasses on his head works. . .tells me something about this guy the way he has them positioned. I would bet this guy would love this photo. The processing is excellent. I would hate to see you change anything much other than the brightness of the one window. just me. . .
    Last edited by gahspidy; 07-05-2010 at 09:38 AM. Reason: Sticking as Featured Photo. July 5th, 2010
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  14. #14
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    The only change I would make here is that I would have asked him to hold an unfinished (work in progress) violin instead of the complete one. It would fit better with all the shavings and debris on the workbench.
    The finished violin would look better hanging on the wall.

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  15. #15
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Workshops are busy places, if they aren't they don't last long. Lighting looks really good throughout, love the clouds in the windows. At first I thought they were a relfection but considering the way the rest of the light is working in the room I'm seeing it as the view beyond the workroom. Tricky exposure to keep that in the shot.

    I like the leading lines and shapes in the body of the violin in the front right corner makes. Personal preference I would crop the 2nd f hole from the bottom and that stray little wood chip and a little from the right if you need to keep the format.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
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  16. #16
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    beautiful job

    how may lights did you use?

    great DOF and really like the colors

  17. #17
    KyRain KyRain's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I wanted to use the word "surreal" too but am afraid I use it too often so I was glad to see Gary noted it too. It's a beautiful work.

  18. #18
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Thanks, Gary, for the Sticky and everyone for taking the time to look and comment. Glad to see all of the thoughtful critiques; that's what this forum is all about.

    I'm taking out the texture, first and foremost. It was a last-minute addition and it just makes everything look hazy and dirty. I think that it may have a lot to do with the out-of-focusedness that Greg mentioned.

    The glasses - that was actually one of the few details I specifically asked for, though I can see why some may not like them that way.

    The clouds - I may have to get rid of them. I don't know why I didn't put this together earlier, but there's nowhere near enough space between where the ceiling would be in the dark space in back and the sky outside. That would be a pretty thin roof.

    The cut-off violin... I think I can fix that because that violin was comped in for the convenience of being able to move it according to how I ultimately decide to crop.

    The flare was added and can be removed. I thought it would make the sky look less composited, but it didn't seem to work.

    Tom, I'm going to shoot him again and will try it with him holding an unfinished piece.

    Cindy, I think you're right about the crop. Easily managed.

    Armando and Dubbs, thanks. Lighting was as follows: Einstein 640 thru 24" softbox, cam right 45 degrees and high up; 580EXII with 1/2 CTO gel into a gold reflector, cam left; Wien minislave in back with red filter.

    Dubbs, ex-violinist? Why did you stop?

    I'll post a cleaner (non-textured) version, as well as some crops which may take care of a lot of the issues cited.

    Thanx to appropriate parties for the compliments (you know who you are, dahlings). Glad you like.

    Really appreciate all of the constructive feedback!

    EDIT: I should add that this was an experiment in taking busyness as far as I could. The busier you get, the harder it is not to break rules and screw up the composition and, therefore, the impact of the image. The other thing I should mention in good conscience is that very little in this image is as shot...

  19. #19
    Senior Member michael buchanan's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    congratulations on the sticky! super hot shot and a ton! love the hands and forearms! well set up and well lighted!
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  20. #20
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    Re: Craft

    Beautiful shot. The clouds are critical. I love them. I agree that the brightness on the middle ones should be toned down. Grats on the stick.

  21. #21
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    congrats on well deserved sticky :thumbsup:
    Keep Shooting!


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  22. #22
    A picture is a present you give yourself shootme's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Wow Dray, I missed this one, though my critique of which I have little wouldn't have helped. This is super, I see quite a few shops around Geneva where this craft is still very active and always wondered what it would be like to get some shots of the work done inside. Now I see, this is marvellous. The shavings on the table, tools in the background and a work in progress to the right of the shot with a final product in the craftsman's hands all come together well. The strong clouds in the windows probably distract me a bit, but the picture as a whole creates a great mood and scene. Congrats on feature.
    :thumbsup: Shootme...

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  23. #23
    Moderator dana m.'s Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    I'm coming in late to this picture. First I love the glasses (I often have to put mine on my head to see close). I think they add to the shot. The second thing that leaped out at me were the clouds in the windows. Loved them...could not decide if they were real or not. At one insane moment I thought they might even be a panel of photos on the wall (I got over that notion). I don't mind the violin on the right...but the one on the left distracts me. Great job Dray...I love it.

  24. #24
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Thanks guys.

    I lightened it up. Is it better at this brightness overall?

    I have yet to make the other changes I can make (getting rid of sun, etc).

  25. #25
    D80. 50mm 1.8, 17-55 2.8. SB 600. DLB1973's Avatar
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    Re: Craft

    Something in between the two would make this outstanding composition even better. Great Job

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