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Thread: blotter

  1. #1
    Miembro Mayor stuntboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    one sheet of blotter acid ... artwork by Aidan BRUTE Hughes



  2. #2
    Member mattp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: blotter

    What's the going rate for that much acid? ;)

    I like it, but I think that may be more because I like the artwork, I always wonder when I take shots of something else that has been 'created' (normally graffiti, sometimes the odd statue) how much I can claim as my own, particularly if the purpose of the shot is to create your own work, rather than to simply document someone else's - its an interesting question.





  3. #3
    Miembro Mayor stuntboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: blotter

    hey matt i agree with you...i just saw the subject as a piece of intrest, and thought others might like to see it. im just conveying the artists work through other means. but really people could argue that point to death, some might say (not me) but god was the artist of all....soooooo.... ;)


  4. #4
    Member mattp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: blotter

    I could start discussing the point to death - especially with a glass of scotch sitting next to me!

    Like you I'm a beginner at this photography lark, so I tend to have the odd moment of self examination and wonder where I want my photography to go. I posted a shot a while back of a piece of graffiti I came across, with an unwanted sink sitting near it. I really like that shot, and I felt like I 'owned' it because it was the combination of the two that I wanted to capture on film and show to other people. There's another shot I've posted in Viewfinder of another piece of graffiti, but I don't feel like I 'own' that one, I chose the composition in relation to the wall it was on, but in the end it was someone else's work that I felt like I was recording - I didn't put enough into it to claim it as my own.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one here who wonders about these things - hope you don't mind me using your thread to express them!

    As always, looking forward to seeing more of your stuff, I think you have a very individual vision, and that's the thing you can't learn from books!



    (only signed off once this time, I must have lost track on the last post)

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