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Last edited by gahspidy; 08-01-2011 at 10:18 AM.
Reason: Sticking as Featured Photo. August 1, 2011
Canon 1DmkIII, 24-105L, 17-40L, 50mm f/1.8
I choose to live my life to a different tune of music., one which is not censored or wrapped so much with a blanket of over -regulation, Health & Safety gone mad, fear and blind compliance to anything you are told to do...........
Downfallen, RIP
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
"I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass."from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson
My Web Site: DSLR
Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro Digital
Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100
Beautifully done! The green glow amid all the blue really set tone of the image and makes the title so appropriate.
Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??
Nikon Samurai #13
"A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.
Some criticism please, folks. Remember, this is the Photo Critique forum. Even if you have to work at it, please try to offer something useful whenever you post a comment.
Congratulations on this very fine work. I envy your computer skills to produce work of this quality. You have captured a mood, the darkness yet detail and that green glow...., a job well done.
Very well done as usual. Excellent texture in the floor, nice glow from the windows. And as usual, very nice and sharp! The centering is perfect here, no wondering if offsetting would have been better.
My only wish is that perhaps the eyes are visible. Unsure how much of an issue this is, as I have a feeling that they would steal the show.
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
My first reaction is "If that's the Antidote what the hell is it curing?" if that is what you wanted, working !
The ambiguity is excellent. I can't tell, is he going to administer the antidote, or is he in need of it?
The lack of eye detail in those sockets is disturbing, that works too.
Looks to me as if there's a little haloing along the arm in the right hand window - resizing artifact?
I really can't tell how this was done, whether the background is CGI, painted, or a real scene tonemapped in HDR. It looks totally seamless, a great job.
The only thing missing is the needle on the syringe.
And the only odd thing is the light appears to be coming from the syringe, yet there is a dark shadow on the chin that isn't filled in by the green glow and I can't explain the source of that.
Great work, interesting execution. When I first saw it, "L" from the series/movie "Death note" was the first thing that came to my mind. If you do a google search you may see what I'm talking about
I'm surprised to be the first to ask, but what about the bottom half of the person? I suppose his legs are flailing behind him, but there isn't anything here to imply some sort of levitation or anything, its a question mark. Though, from the way he is hugging the sink, it looks as though his body is limp and heavy, his feet should be on the ground in front of the sink, I would think.
Further, there is a shadow that goes from the sink to the back wall, but what is causing the shadow? I can't tell, its sort of a curious thing then.
The brightness of the window outside also doesn't seem to match the dark mood and dark light/atmosphere of the interior.
Great work, congrats on the sticky.
- Charlie
Feel free to edit and repost my work as a part of your critique.
Hmmm looked more like an enamelled china PM slab to me.
No taps, and that ring of bolts implies it's big and heavy and needs serious support.
So roughly sarcophagus shape in plan view (or body shape ) hence the long shadow.
Which explains the support for the legs.
I didn't see that as an anomaly, though shooting from a fraction lower would have revealed the underside of it and hence its shape.
Thanks for the comments to answer a few questions.
As with all the shots I have posted here, naturally lit, 5 shot HDR into photomatix and then some work in CS5 and yes its a ceramic mortuary slab !!
Canon 1DmkIII, 24-105L, 17-40L, 50mm f/1.8
I choose to live my life to a different tune of music., one which is not censored or wrapped so much with a blanket of over -regulation, Health & Safety gone mad, fear and blind compliance to anything you are told to do...........
Downfallen, RIP
Well what do you say about this shot , really is an amazing shot and was great fun making this with Andre Govia the real photographer here . VMlopes i really am not sure what makes someone steal other peoples shots and pretend they are there own . Really really sad dude and to think me and Andre even meet up with you once
Well what do you say about this shot , really is an amazing shot and was great fun making this with Andre Govia the real photographer here . VMlopes i really am not sure what makes someone steal other peoples shots and pretend they are there own . Really really sad dude and to think me and Andre even meet up with you once
For anyone who likes this work , search Andre Govia on flickr , thats the real photographer and in his sets you will find this shot in Abandoned mortuary X
For anyone who likes this work , search Andre Govia on flickr , thats the real photographer and in his sets you will find this shot in Abandoned mortuary X
Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Rusty. I am actually a contact of both you and Andre on flickr (gary heller) and sure enough when i checked Andres "abandoned mortuary" set this image was there. Sorry to have it happen here and thanks for pointing it out.
The point is that Andre took this photograph (his intellectual property) and vmlopes passed it off as his own.
Rule books are paper they will not cushion a sudden meeting of stone and metal. --Ernie Gann-- What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. --Oscar Wilde--