I have been contacted by a company that saw a picture I modified using photoshop and they want to pay me to use the picture.
Here is the background:
The picture is of a car. The car had orange paint and black stripes, and using photoshop I was able to change the colors to see what the car looked like in many different color combinations. I did this simply for fun and at the request of members on a car forum.
A few days ago a company contacted me about paying me to use the picture in a marketing campaign. I researched the company and the car company that makes this car is a client of the marketing company, so I assume it would be used in some sort of campaign for the car.
I have a few questions:
1) Since the picture was not mine to begin with, am I really allowed to sell it? Perhaps since the company does marketing for the car company they have permission to use any picture from the car company?
2) Here is what they say the contract would be: 2 year unlimited usage excluding broadcast.
So I assume that they are using this in print ads and on the internet (anything but TV) for two years?
3) The big question: how much should I ask from them to use the picture assuming that I have the right to do so? I have no idea what it is worth. I've never sold any form of artwork. I'm sure they have the ability to access any picture from the car company and the designers to create basically the same thing, so I don't want to ask too much, but I don't want to leave a ton of money on the table if this is actually worth a good amount of money.
Both of these companies (the marketing company and car company) are HUGE companies, so I'm sure they have a large contract together.