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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Offer Prints or cds?

    I'm having such issues with whether I should offer cds or prints only. I feel by selling cds of images, clients are wanting straight color only and not ordering black and whites or any artistic enhancements I do to the image so that they have both options when ordering on Shutterfly or lab of their choice. I feel its taking away from my style by just doing nothing but color correction and sharpening, but I want to make my clients happy. I want to do away with the cds so that they order prints the way I've made them and not doing their own enhancements, but cd's seem to be what everyone wants. I know I can write in my copyright release not to change anything but I can't really do anything when people are ordering them online. Any suggestions would be very helpful..Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Portland, OR, USA

    Re: Offer Prints or cds?

    Offer both, but water mark the images. Just remember most of the profit is from the print sales. You need make sure that the resolutions are not suitable for 8 by 10 prints unless the purchase a special upgraded CD.

    Clients don't think it wrong to make copies of your CD to give to family or guests, or even to copy your prints.

    Panorama Madness:

    Nikon D800, 50mm F1.4D AF, 16-35mm, 28-200mm & 70-300mm

  3. #3
    Junior Member PatBranch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Napa, CA

    Re: Offer Prints or cds?

    Is 8x10 still a standard with most DSLR photos being 8x12 these days?

    Maybe ask your clients? You could send them a survey with something like with some questions so you can get a better idea of what they want.

    I would just include the basic edited one and a more edited version if you think they might not be into the more edited one.

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