I would like some advice, and perhaps some help in looking at getting a digital camera. Although I cannot afford it now, I plan to get one in the future. At this time I just recently got a Vivitar 3800n, that replaced my Ricoh KR-5sv. The shutter button froze up on it, and the film advance kept springing back and jamming it. I have a straight 50 mm (came with the new camera, but I have no real need for it), 35-70 mm, 70-120 mm, and 60-300 mm lenses, all PK manual focus. If and when I do go with a digital camera, I naturally want to keep my lenses, and just get the body. What I am perhaps looking for a fairly good, but yet still in the affordable range. I would like to stay with the manual focus because I tend to shoot fast, and like the control.
I have not yet tested my new camera, but plan too this weekend when the UP 844 returns to town. Below is a few pictures of it when it was in the last time, and shot with the Ricoh.