Hello all,
As the title says, this tale is not for the weak of heart. It is a true story and happened Monday morning to yours' truly.
I knew the day was going to be bad as I was scheduled at the VA hospital for what the call a "Double Dip". For those of you in my age range, you know what this is. For those of you of the younger persuasion, I'll keep it brief. It is when you get a Colonoscopy and an Endoscopy at the same time. YECH!!!!!!!! Hence the camera connection.
Now if you think that was bad enough, brace yourself, it gets worse. The Pentax connection still has to come into play.
Anyway, the wife and I head out the door. I grab my wallet, my glucose meter, my appointment letters, my extra change of clothes in case the golytely decides to make a sudden unexpected appearance on my 70 mile journey, and last but not least, my "WIFES" *ist DL with the DA 50-200ED lens attached ready to go.
We're on the road. A short trip to the freeway and we're on our way...."thump..thump.." the wife says, "what was that?????" Not a word out of me as my eyes dart straight for the rear view mirror....![]()
:cryin: :mad2: ...
Anyone know what an *ist DL looks like after it bounces down the freeway at 60 miles an hour?????