5d canon huh nice camera having owned one fro a while, I would try the Nikon d700 if it sharp out of the camera and unbelievable low light product
you much happier with d700
the best of luck to you and keep us posted:thumbsup:
One brand vs. another debates are usually quite silly... but, here's my $.02...
Image quality- VERY OVERATED! I'm willing to bet that if someone posted a bunch of photos from a variety of similar cameras of differnt brands, noone would be able to tell you which camera took what shot. (someone actually did that on another forum) It's just not going to happen. I don't know about you, but I've never shot studio test scenes, and resolution charts, and posted/printed them at 100%, ever... If you do, then maybe you want the camera that has the 2501lph resolution over the 2500lph model.
What matters most I think- things like lenses, if you need a broad selection for your work, but imo, most big brands, (including sony, contrary to popular belief) have a descent selection. Canon's probably the biggest, sony/minolta/ziess stuff generally is reputed as being sharper w/ better bokeh characteristics... But aside from that, I'd consider stuff like AF speed and accuracy, exposure consistency and accuracy, is what I'd think should bethe most important to you as a photographer, especially if you shoot fast paced events. If you can't get a 2nd shot, the 1st better damn well have turned out right.
But what I think is the most important, underrated feature in any system is ergonomics. For some reason, I've never been able to cope w/ the Nikon button layout / menu system. I've tried, and I just can't find a fluid method of working the camera. If I had to, given enough time, maybe I would get used to it. Canon isn't bad, but as soon as I picked up the Sony A700, I was right at home. Actually, I was alittle dissappointed that I didn't have to spend time in the manual and searching out how to do different things w/ it... On top of that, with the Sony system (basically Minotla under the Sony name to those who think Sony should stick to making TV's), Sony users get a wide ragne of stabilized glass. 20yr old Minolta glass- stabilized. Fast primes- yeah, also stabilized... that's one big selling point right there.
To me brand name doesn't mean squat. Quality counts. That's up to the customer to decide. If you have a good tool it's up to you to learn how to use it. When it comes to a point when you can't get any more out of that tool get a different one. Another forum a lot of Canonites are switching to Nikon. Nikon evidently has gone a step ahead. Does make Canon bad, No Just those people want a better tool. I am not a fan boy of any brand. Pentax is a tool and for the bang for the buck is hard to beat. By the way watch advertisement, I follow stocks carefully. A lot of times when a company is in trouble they advertise heavy.
K10d pentax 50-200 f4-5.6 sigma 100-300 f4 sigma 18-50mm f2.8 ex dc macro Kenko AF 1.5 DG
Unless Pentax offers a body comparable to the Nikon D3 or even Canon's 5D Mark II, within the year; I jumping ship also. I am beginning to see the need for faster fps and a full frame would be nice. Pentax needs to step up.
Pentax K10D w/battery grip
Sigma 10-20mm F4-5,6 EX DC, Pentax smc P-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 - Pentax DA 50mm f/1.4 - Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 - Sigma APO 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG HSM Macro -Pentax AF 540 FGZ - Gary Fong "Lightshpere" (cloud & clear)
however I'm up against some limitations. I am ready (or at least I want) for a pro level system. I am a perfectionist and I can't stand sub par lenses. Pentax builds good lenses, but the current selection isn't the best.
I've also wanted to make the step to a full frame camera for some time. I don't have the patience to wait for Pentax to introduce a FF system, let alone the patience to wait for any bugs to be worked out.
Your first statement confused me a bit, lense for the Pentax are abundant, there is an entire line of Zeiss,Fujinon,Takumar, and even Nikon lenses that will mount to your Pentax camera and perform excellent.
Keep in mind these are MF lenes that can be found in M42 and PK mount. Nikon F mount will also fit snuggly to your Pentax body and perform excellent.
The FF issue should be solved shortly. I wouldnt expect too many bugs in the FF cameras.
Why not keep your Pentax gear and just add on another system? I shoot Pentax and Nikon, I never found a reason to sell my Pentax gear just because I wanted to use the D90. Now I have two nice systems to work with. .
But to give Pentax credit, they have been making great lenses for decades, it's just not in their current line up. However, to shoot some of the great glass that came before digital again means putting limitations on the functions of their new bodies.
The new DA Star lineup looks VERY promising and I am eager to hear some reviews when people start picking up these lenses. On paper, these look like the mid level lenses that Pentax really needs right now.
UMM.. If your ready to move up to a pro camera then I imagine your already shooting in full manual mode?
You dont need auto camera functions to take good pictures. A light meter and knowledge of exposure should get you where you need to be.
Manual Focus Mamyia 55mm f/2
Manual Focus 55mm Fujinon EBC 3.5 Macro
Once again, the Fujinon Macro lens.
The only limitation are the ones you put upon yourself.
I can understand the FF issue.
I shoot 100% manual focus. I use lenses dated from the 1960's and 70's, I could care less about auto functions on my camera. I use a light meter to set exposure, I maually focus my glass and I shoot.
There is a HUGE forum dedicated to manual focus lenses and digital bodies. I strongly suggest looking there and taking a look at the images taken with the old glass.
I've been reading many of your recent posts and have appreciated your knowledge and experience with MF. These are a great asset and one I am enjoying as I have a few MF lenses that I have been wanting to use (as soon as I get my Pentax's fixed!!) I'll probably never shoot Film as it is just too expensive for me, but with the digital Pentax's what few times I've used my MF lenses, I've been pleased!
My only other thing now is to get a Light meter...and of course...Learn and practice!!!!
Keep posting your knowledge, and please keep posting your wonderful photographs.