***To see the gear spotlight threads, in the main menu, click on "Rating" column and it will sort into highest rated threads first. I have been going through and rating all the Spotlight threads as 5 stars so they will all be near the top.***
Hello all,
Here on the Pentax forum recently, we have had a few threads spotlight a couple of lenses. Personally I think this is a great idea.
I'd like to see this open up to include some of the cameras that this forum is about, other favorite lenses, classic cameras, etc.
Also, if you have a lense that we are spotlighting but it's for another camera, please feel free to let us see how your camera handles that particular lens.
All are welcome to comment.
All I ask is that posters please post all of your data about the shot...i.e. camera, lens, settings, film used (if it's a film camera, etc.
Commenters, as usual, please be positive and helpful.