Well, I purchased my *ist dl in august of last year. After two weeks, the usb port blew on me. I figured, aright, whatever, ill get a card reader and ignore it, and send it in to get fixed eventually. Two months later, my battery amount indicator started acting up. New batteries would show up as nearly empty, or quite a few times, would show up as completely empty and wouldn't turn on. Fine. It was annoying, but most of the time it worked, so I kept going with it. Two months after that, it was completely hit or miss. Shortly after that, my hot shoe started acting up. Well, given that two and a half months later, I would be going on a large photography journey, I sent it in to get fixed. A month and a half in, I finally get a letter from pentax saying that they're out of parts to fix it and it'll take longer. Three weeks later, I got it back, supposedly "fixed". Open the box, hooked the usb cable up, that worked. Great. Battery? It turned on. Awesome. Two days later came the time to use the flash. Hot Shoe still doesn't work. So i figured, lets use the pop-up. Oh wait, looks like pentax broke it. So I got my camera back more broken then it was before, and now i;m stuck at the point where it wont turn on again. ARGHHHH. Now im just hoping that pentax finds me a replacement and calls me back within the next 2 hours. Boy am i disappointed.
Update: So, after talking to someone higher up, a camera is being express mailed to me and is being upgraded. Thanks pentax.