OK, those of you who have been following my few initial posts realize that I have not had the E-510 very long. Despite the fact that I feel like I am very much still learning the camera I also feel like I need a different lens.
I am not unhappy with either of the kit lenses. When I get the lighting and exposure right, the images are crystal clear. However, I'm not really used to always having a zoom lens. I grew up using a fixed focal length lens on my film slr and despite the fact that I always wanted one of those "fancy" zoom lenses, I miss having the old faithful single focal length lens. I guess we always want what we don't have.
I want the lens primarily for indoor portraits but I could see how it could also be useful for wide angle shots. I have never done any macro photography but that is because I never had the equipment. What amateur photographer doesn't want to take a picture of a bee on a flower in enough detail to see the pollen on its legs or to catch that drop of dew dripping off a rose. Still, it is not my priority.
It seems there are my basic choices for a fixed focal length lens:
Olympus 25mm f/2.8
Olympus 35mm f/3.5
Olympus 50mm f/2.0
Panasonic 25mm f/1.4
Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Sigma 24mm f/1.8
My first choice of course would be the Panasonic (Leica) but the price and the fact that it seems to be out of stock everywhere make it something of a non-starter. I know that the lenses make all the difference in a camera but just starting out I can't see spending more on the lens than on the whole kit right off the bat. So it's not really my first choice.
My other "first" choice is the Olympus 50mm f/2.0. Reviews are uniformly positive and the price is right.
Then again perhaps the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 would be nice because of the low f-stop but I've read about problems focusing.
Anybody have any opinions?