Very pleased to find what looks like an active Olympus forum
I'm a furniture designer/maker.
For years I was quite happy with my little Kodak P&S for archives and web stuff, I had my new work shot by a professional, then he up and moved away, sigh...
I'd always kind of felt I would like to be in control of the whole process. I live on an acreage so by the time I load up, drive to town and unload, have the shoot and then load and return home, a half day has passed.
To make a very long story, short. In the past five months I've educated myself about the various brands and features of digital SLR, chose a camera, and then started all over again with lens
Along with the live view, I chose Olympus partly because of the fact that Canon and Nikon people are so (insert politically correct term here) about their brands, whoa, just kidding, kinda...
I still have a ways to go but here's my first test shot, the wrinkled sheet is gone once I decide on a permanent location for my paper backdrop. The entrance bench is made in cherry and has a brown leather seat.
The set up is mid afternoon on a cloudy day with two 65w CF lights in Cameron stands from the sides.
Cheers, Don