I like doing night shots, long exposures to make lakes look frozen or glassy. So I wish the E-M5 had a lower ISO setting than 200iso. This was taken with a 9-18mm. I am not sure this version of the 9-18mm is as sharp as the 4/3rd version. This is certainly not the best picture I ever took but practicing some. I did have some distractions to shoot around. Maybe Olympus could add it in their first firmware upgrade, I hope you are listening Olympus. Also focus peaking Please, Please.
So far so good. I think this one will easily be in the running for camera of the year. I am certain Nikon will take the honors this year with the D800.
I am not big on high ISO shooting but I will get some example shots later. I haven't read to many bad things about the OMD E-M5. I think Olympus is on the road to recovery. I love the ergonomics of the E-M5.
Old Dump Truck by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr