Well, like the genius I can be sometimes, while writing the reply below, I accidently deleted my original post...:mad2:
Anyway, this thread is about what mobile phone service you use and how satisfied are you with it. I'm thinking of switching form Sprint because of reception and connection problems.
Feel free to add your opinion...
I appreciate the responses. Opinions are running about as I expected, which means a virtual plethora of advice... :crazy:
I agree with Seb. There doesn't seem to be a single provider that gives perfect service EVERYWHERE (funny, all those commercials would make you think so, eh?). So, yeah, I have to do some more homework, and look into what's working here where I live.
That quad-band GSM info was really valuable, Seb. Thanks. Not that I'm a world traveler, but it may make me consider buying a much better phone than I have now, and that could certainly make a difference, even with regional coverage...