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Relativity as we know it is most likely relative on a scale that is incomprehendable to us because of the limitations of our brain. But as for the comprehendable world around us, I truly believe that everything is relative and nothing is absolute.
How do you know you're not a brain in a jar being fed the thought "I am free!"
Oh - I probably am a brain in a jar. By "free," I mean no longer care. It makes no difference in my day to day life. Unless someone changes the rules all of a sudden!!!
Really, I'm talking about anything. But yes, morality and societal norms are probably the two biggest.
We as humans have an idea that we are mentally superior to all other forms of life. With this idea, we believe that our motives and actions are based on higher thinking. This is not true. We act only on primal feelings and in our actions we hope to satisfy these primal needs. The difference is that we mask these actions with "higher" thoughts and motives.
I would say that the morality that we as humans live by is relative to our basic wants and needs. We don't kill because it hurts us. We don't rape because it hurts us, etc.
Last edited by thereistruth; 12-13-2006 at 05:00 PM.
I'm guessing that as you continue in your thoughts, you will find that all of our "truths" at their core are circular. Meaning, at the root of every "truth" is a dichotomy, or a set of truths that are opposing and complementary. For instance: "there is absolute truth/all truth is relative" is a dichotomous statement. They are directly opposite each other, and yet make up the "whole" truth when viewed together. A similar concept is the yin/yang in Chinese philosophy. The light and dark/good and bad/wet and dry/male and female/right and wrong opose each other and yet hold each other in space. Without one, the other cannot exist, and there is a piece of each in the other.
Just another thought for your consideration
Walter Rick Long Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit