I'm posting this on the Off-Topic forum because I'm not talking about being self-conscious as a photographer.
I'm wondering if any of you confident people might post tips on overcoming self-consciousness.
I consider myself rather bold. I'll talk to strangers, go out without makeup, sing karaoke, act like a goof sometimes. I always think to myself, "nobody really cares what I look like or do, they're too busy worrying about themselves." Or, "If they think I'm odd, they'll forget me within five minutes after they leave." Or, "they'll never see me again, who cares?"
But something changes when I need to perform. And I've got two performances coming up, and I have GOT to get over the self-conscious feelings that make me hold back. Because when I'm holding back, I don't sound or look as good as my potential.
I'm singing a solo in a chorus concert next month, and I'm afraid I'll get so nervous I won't sing as well as I could.
I'm also in a play in June. I'm only in the background so I think I'll be OK, but I totally skrewwed up the auditions because of self-consciousness. I felt like I had energy, but apparently I didn't have as much as I thought I was portraying. And I can trace that back to feelings of self-consciousness and holding back.
Here's what is the worst part: I'm self-conscious even at home, while practicing. My husband is home almost 24/7 (works at home), so I'm afraid to practice "letting it all out" because he'll hear me and come out and say something to "improve" me. Or maybe I'll be so loud the neighbors will hear me.
I need to get past this somehow. Any advice?