Off-Topic Forum

Anything that's not related to photography, except religion and politics*. Discuss Britney Spears, your Kiss records, swing dancing, salsa recipes. The Off-Topic forum is moderated by walterick and adina.
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  1. #201
    Member Dave Smith's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Interesting reading ... but ...

    Nope ... not me ... I'll not join this frey

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  2. #202
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    As a reformed pentacostalist...........................I fear Palins every thought.
    If you two can't seperate your religous\personal politics from your national/world politics.
    I can only ask you to refrain from voting.....though I know you lack the prudence to do so.

    .......................SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE........................!.
    Very important concept.

    Too bad you don't get it.

    It's been the GOP and deregulation of BIG business that has again brought this wonderful country close to the edge once again. Yep, they did it before.
    Laize faire capitalism doesn't work.

    Religous extremism can't be fought with religous extremism.

    PS your gospels are VERY incomplete.
    You don't don't want to start a religous argument with me. I've one them all.
    Against muslims too.
    You don't want to go there.
    By suporting McCain you are voting for a known, personal innocent child and woman killer.
    That's what bomb do.
    And they don't have a choice, or even fair warning.
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  3. #203
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid

    You don't don't want to start a religous argument with me. I've one them all.
    LOL. I'm sure you think so.

  4. #204
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    I know so.........The bible is incomplete.
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  5. #205
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by christiansoldier
    Ah, yes... the old crusades complaint. How relevant. Hey, do you suppose the crusades MIGHT have had something to do with the Muslims of the era and their hunger for conquering everything in sight?

    You were raised Christian and then what happened?
    Yeah, because those crusaders were just reacting to oppressive conquering muslims, huh. Probably just like how we are taking care of 'Muslim extremists' in the middle east now too, huh?

    By the way, those wonderful crusaders also invaded eastern Indian territory, destroyed monasteries, statues, relics, killed and even physically defiled the native monks, all under the notion that native cultures spiritual practice was 'an abomination'. This is known as the insanity of violent and deluded ethnocentricism, a very primitive and dark impulse of collectively greedy human nature. Most of the same dim witted hysteria still festers within even the very mainstream of contemporary Christianity. Hows your faith, soldier?

    I am always repulsed by how people feel compelled to wear their religion on their sleeves, dangling it in front of others as if it was some ornamental symbol of their spiritual superiority, the epitome of pretentiousness. The attitude is a total contradiction of Jesus' teachings, but prideful self-centered individuals always manage to make themselves church leaders and end up leading the most mainstream of Christianity, twist the language and pervert the text, and call it a religion. You know, leaders like Billy Graham, Hank Hanegraaf, C.S. Lewis, Ravi Zacharias, Alistair Begg, Nicky Gumbel, Ted Haggard, Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Pope Benedict XVI, Woodrow Crowell, RC Sproul, etc etc etc...

    By the way, great job resourcing Michelle Malkin, then you spout this BS about 'objective'??? Gimme a break.
    Last edited by Anbesol; 09-20-2008 at 01:36 PM.

  6. #206
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Here here anbesol!
    This thread went so far off its intent.
    Palin deserves nothing but fear from this nation.
    She poisoned the lake she lives on and put in strip malls. What a maverick.
    In Alaska they call her Sara stripmall. More Wal Marts full of Chinese goods anyone?
    I guess Christiians support Communism these days.
    At least 'till they purge them again.
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  7. #207
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    do you simply spit up what's been jammed down your throat by the radical far right?
    Sorry I've been away from this thread for a while. This type of comment is going into personal territory, sorry but this line is going to have to stop. Hopefully it already has.

    It's fine that this thread has veered toward topics other than politics, that's okay, it's the off-topic forum.

    Just a reminder for those who might be just be joining us:


    If you are commenting on a poster, you are crossing the boundary. If the mods decide your comment was "mean-spirited" then we may need to flog you.

    We all enjoy being able to persuade each other of our beliefs Let's respect the forum that allows us to do it by keeping the conversation civil and about the TOPICS.

    Walter Rick Long
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  8. #208
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by jgredline
    The bible makes it clear that conception is in the womb....
    I guess I am not understanding what you were implying with this statement. We already know conception occurs inside the woman. I think you are trying to say that all fertilized eggs are human beings? Except those Biblical passages don't say that. They say that we are conceived inside our mothers, but they don't say at what point it becomes a human. Unless you have other passages that do describe exactly at what point an egg and a sperm become a human.

    Also, I don't know if you saw the second part of my post but I would definitely like to see the science you sited that shows evidence of brain wave activity at day 2!
    Walter Rick Long
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  9. #209
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    C'mon, Walter, this ain't rocket science.

    If a human egg and sperm unite (conception) and development is not interrupted, what do you think will happen? Hello!

  10. #210
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    You're from Lees Summit, aren't you soldier?

  11. #211
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Hmmm.....Let's see.................
    Trillions upon trillions of complex chemical and electrical interactions begin to take place, along with mebbie some of those mysterious magnetic forces that brought down the twin towers....................That's way beyond rocket science.
    Anyway.......two cells become one and then two.....etc............
    And a gay person is born..................Oops.
    Or a muslim person is born...............Oops.
    Or a dumb person is born..................Oops.
    Or an ugly person is born..................Oops.

    And God made us to be just like him.
    That means that it is entirely possible that God is an ugly, dumb, gay muslim..............
    I don't have a problem with that soldier.......Do you?

    Back to Palin. She sounds like another subpena dodging, thieving neocon to me. She actually did shoot wolves from a helicopter.............Sounds like an american Idi Amin.

    BTW soldier. How many children have you personally given birth to?
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  12. #212
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    You're from Lees Summit, aren't you soldier?
    No, why do you ask?

  13. #213
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Oh man, you don't need to post those nasty pictures. And instead of focusing on disputing the legalities, lets at least all agree that abortion is a terrible practice and something our culture must address seriously. "Oh whoops, I'm pregnant, well, lets take care of that!", perhaps you should have taken care of it when you were having fun making it. a 12 year old can have access to contraception if they want, these women don't really have any excuse. Cases of rape and incest are a unique situation, and of course I am sure there are other extenuating circumstances in some cases.

    In any event, the Catholic church doesn't help, demanding a legal stop to abortion, then turning around and damning contraception.
    Last edited by Anbesol; 09-21-2008 at 09:17 AM.

  14. #214
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Nobody argues that abortion is a "good" thing. We all know what's involved. Posting that image was gratuitous at best, and offensive at worst. It was unnecessary (not to mention from someone who has NEVER posted a photo in this forum) I'm off this thread unless the mods delete it.


    PS - I have registered a complaint with Walterick
    Last edited by Didache; 09-21-2008 at 12:02 PM.
    Mike Dales ARPS
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  15. #215
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Didache - sometimes I get the impression that some people see it as nothing more significant than eating a bowl of corn flakes.

    I repeat though, I stake absolutely no political position with it.

  16. #216
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    I didn't vote for Bush............So none.
    What was the circumstances involved in the case you are showing me.
    Did you take that pic yourself.
    What was the age of the mother?
    Who was the father?
    Were they employed?
    If all was right and the baby was born, were you prepeared to give both 100K a year jobs with multimillion dollar golden parachutes just in case?
    Did you look for the pics of the ones burnt to a crisp by a bomb too? Mebbie one dropped by Mc Cain himself.........
    How about the ones horribly deformed by drugs from major drug companies that were supposed to help but made a profit for a CEO anyway. Backed by the GOP.
    How many pics of babies deformed by dioxin? Leaked into waterways by corps. just 'cause it was cheaper that way.
    I could go on.

    What has this lurid pic to do with Palin?
    You know, whether she has the brains to lead the free world?
    She doesen't. Plain and simple.
    Why haven't you commented on her abilities? Or McCains for that matter.
    Too busy looking for lurid pictures to be bothered with what's really happening around you?
    BTW......It didn't get much press.........but mysterious magnetic forces was no was the final answer by the 911 commision as to what actually brought those buildings down. Were you aware of that?
    The fire was not hot enough to melt steel. That too was GOP backed.
    Do know what was in building no.7?

    So you is you who is appathetic. You see only one issue, where there are many.
    On your issue.....I am dead set against partial birth as a form of birth control.
    How do you stand on my issues?

    Why don't you ever answer the questions?
    Do you lack the intellect?
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  17. #217
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Ah snoid - glad to hear you share my frustration with the official 9/11 commission report. That report is the biggest joke I've ever heard. I'm absolutely blown away that the mainstream media and culture actually eat it up. "They hate us for our freedom", yeah, yeah, they hate us for our freedom.

    Then I am also sure you are familiar with the problem of NORAD, PNAC, the tens of missing surveillance videos, the failed investigative procedure, the vast underfunding of the commission, the classification of the evidence indicating a bin Laden involvement, the quick hiding of the trade center rubble, the many NORAD skirmishes predicting this very act, etc etc etc. Sad to say, most people aren't thoughtful enough to realize the piles and piles of problems with the official report - and whats even worse, is the established motives. The Bush administration, Israeli foreign policy interest, these *ACTUALLY* have established motives, yet stupid people buy the 'they hate us for our freedom'. Its enough to drive a man insane. Yeah, keep thinking that its a bunch of Muslims waging a holy war on us, they hate us for our freedom, what will the media spoon feed us next?
    Last edited by Anbesol; 09-21-2008 at 12:02 PM.

  18. #218
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    The posting of images that are not your own is not acceptable here.
    Posting links to images is acceptable.

    If you persist then I guess it would be ok for others to post war images which your fundamentalist views seem to suppost.

    I still don't know what you are doing here in a 'photographers forum' site and can only suppose you were called for help by the one member who supports your views.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  19. #219
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Okay, since I'm willing to bet you didn't take that photo, you shouldn't be posting that directly to the site. Regardless of what end of the politcal sprectrum you fall on, we should all pay a little attention to copyright issues.

    Also, a photo of that nature needs some kind of warning, just like nudity, or images of a violent nature. Viewers have a right to choose whether or not they want to see images that may be offensive.

    I've deleted the photo, please keep these things in mind in the future.
    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  20. #220
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Thank you adina.

    Mike Dales ARPS
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  21. #221
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Thank you Adina..........I still don't know why people like that think such an issue is so simple.
    I will say a prayer for his soul tonight.
    I've been on the net for a long time...........Seen alot of stuff I didn't want to see and resent someone forcing it on me. With no details.
    This thread is supposed to be about Sara Palin. Not abortion.
    Look through a glass eye.
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    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  22. #222
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Yes Anbesol. Makes me want to look closer at some of the conspiracy stuff I've seen.
    Many questions left unanswered once again.
    Let alone some of the quotes from Cheney.
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  23. #223
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    Okay, since I'm willing to bet you didn't take that photo, you shouldn't be posting that directly to the site. Regardless of what end of the politcal sprectrum you fall on, we should all pay a little attention to copyright issues.

    Also, a photo of that nature needs some kind of warning, just like nudity, or images of a violent nature. Viewers have a right to choose whether or not they want to see images that may be offensive.

    I've deleted the photo, please keep these things in mind in the future.
    3000 babies are slaughtered daily and you are worried about copyright issues?

    Well, let me put your mind at rest - that photo came from a site that grants reuse permission.

    Perhaps that will help you sleep and rest better.

  24. #224
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by christiansoldier
    3000 babies are slaughtered daily and you are worried about copyright issues?

    Well, let me put your mind at rest - that photo came from a site that grants reuse permission.

    Perhaps that will help you sleep and rest better.
    Be that as it may, photos of a graphic nature should contain a warning so those who wish not to view them have that option. In this case, since you did not start the thread and couldn't put a warning in the subject line, a link to the photo with a note about it's graphic nature would have been sufficient.
    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  25. #225
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Wow.............pseudo still haven't answered any questions posed to you.

    I now consider your position on the only subject you can answer.........completely BOGUS.

    As well as ill informed...............I will ask you again to please refrain from voting.
    Find the wisdom.

    Your attitude has killed millions. Does that help you sleep?
    .......................Seperation of Church and State.................Forever..................... ..........

    And can we please take that under God thing taken out of the pledge of allegiance...........Some bozo put it in there in the 50s.......It doesen't belong.
    Besides..........Who died and made you pope?
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

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