I live on the coast in Mississippi and the area I live in was hit pretty hard by hurricane Katrina. Just about everyone had water in our houses, the house gutted or just no longer there at all leaving only a slab.
I would just like to express my many thanks to the thousands of volunteers that have showed up to help out in our area and for the many donations of material goods that have been sent to help everyone out down here. Just recently toys for the kids that no longer have a home have been pouring in.... THANKS TO EVERYONE for making this time of year a little brighter.
We are not on the front page as much any more but I would like to make this comment. If you think we were hit hard by what you have seen on TV let me just say that untill you see it in person you don't have a clue how much has gotten destroyed by this hurricane.
With the dammage we have had recently I would just like to say that the way the local people are helping each other and with the help of so many thousands of outsiders coming down to help and sending supplies it is really an uplifting experience. In a day when most of what is on TV is so negative and depressing I would just like to point out what great people there are doing extraordinary things down here.
I would just like everyone to know how privileged I feel to be a part of this community and country wide effort. It is very uplifting and inspiering to See it taking place.
Thanks evrryone for the help, Jeff