I do not watch TV that much but I have a major grip I would like to vent on! :cryin: After paying a high price for cable we have to look at commercials every 8 to 10 minutes, then we have to see the annoying station name in the corner of the screen (more advertisement) now we have to look at the name of the program we are watching (more advertisement) now we have to see moving pictures in another corner to advertise for something else that may not even be showing for another month :mad2: at what point is there going to be enough advertising going on?????
I think people are buying big screen TV sets just so that there is enough screen left to watch part of the program that we have already paid for three or four times though commercials at this point :mad2: :mad2: all of this is over the top of the picture you paid BIG BUCKS for to cable Co. so you watch a movie or show in the first place. Just think about the little distractions they will come up with in the future. I think this is ridiculus, Jeff Now I feel much better!:thumbsup: