How much does it cost to develop an IoT app for Android? Off-Topic Forum
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Re: How much does it cost to develop an IoT app for Android?
As for the rates, they differ greatly across the map. While in USA or Canada you’ll be charged $50-150, the development companies in Eastern Europe will charge $30-50 for the same high-quality work.
Re: How much does it cost to develop an IoT app for Android?
Hi, I am not sure about some final numbers but the cost will definitely vary from company and the task itself. Still I believe that the best products are made by the most dedicated software development team. Check out this article about Hiring IoT Developers and be aware of all possible peculiarities. You see, I have worked with these guys a few months ago and should say they are real professionals. Still, mind that you choice should be based on a number of criteria like years in the market, size of the team, geography etc
Re: How much does it cost to develop an IoT app for Android?
In fact, it depends on many factors, so I think it makes no sense to ask such questions! I think that you can talk to professionals, describe to them what you want, I think they will understand if you tell them that you have no money) I think you can read a little here dedicated software development team to be more confident))
Re: How much does it cost to develop an IoT app for Android?
The basic ecosystem kit from makes it possible to remotely control the light and air temperature in the room, automate the operation of household appliances and engineering systems. Smoke and flood sensors are provided. If necessary, an alarm signal in case of fire or unauthorized entry into the premises can be transmitted directly to the security organization.