Hi im writing this cause I was a little shook up today. I went to my grandmas house today where they had a new hound dog. It was the 2nd time I saw the dog. At first the dog was very happy to see me, it was so friendly and was playing with us. Than me and my cousins started playing basket ball and the dog went crazy, it started biting me only on my arms, it left lots and lots of red scratches all over my arms. I tried to keep calm. I think eye contact with her made things worse. It went on for maybe more than a minute. Anyways after she bit me she stopped for awhile, and than started doing the same jumping around and biting my brother. Than my little cousin got attacked the same way. But my siblings episode was very short. Actually the biting was more like gnawing since she would have my whole side of arm deep in to the back mouth which was weird.
I think its worth mentioning that im a type 1 diabetic and when I was running/basketball my sugar ran real low and that always emits a strong unique odor. I say this cause I remembered watching something on tv that dogs can alert there owners when the sugars are running low, or smell other problems. The reason it shook me up is cause they say shes usually friendly and never acted like this. I am 100% sure it didn't mean to do harm cause it could have easily seriously hurt us beyond scratches if it wanted to.