Hey everyone...
This is really all I have to show from the weekend. Sunday it rained all day. The deer seemed to enjoy it though. Myself... not so much. I spent most of the day trying to get to know my camera's available settings. I have a Canon Xsi and this brings up a question. Since I have had the camera, it has been set on "Standard" for "Picture Style". For those of you with Canons, do you shoot in Standard or "Landscape" picture style? I did a few test shots of still objects and it almost looks like landscape is better. They are definitely "different". I am asking you guys because I want to know which would be better for BIF's or other wildlife photos.
Also interesting, I noticed that the high quality JPG's looked as good or even better than the RAW files of the same shot (I tested this by having the camera shoot both. I normally just shoot RAW files)
Thoughts? Suggestions on settings?