The six inches of snow in the Pacific Northwest was pleasant, but the following ice storm was not so pleasant and the following power outages were not cool at all. But at least for some of us the power is back now and I did get a few pictures during all the weather.
Critique very welcome.
1) Retention Pond near work, Canon 18-55 lens at 18mm, ISO400, f6.3, 1/500
2) Icy Hemlock branch, Tamron 70-300 lens at 124mm, ISO800, f4.5 1/1000
3) Female Varied Thrush, Canon 400mm lens, ISO400, f5.6, 1/250
4) Band-tailed Pigeon, Canon 400mm lens, ISO800, f5.6, 1/500
5) Icy Coral-bark Maple, Tamron 70-300 lens at 142mm, ISO800, f4.5 1/400