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Thread: Robin?

  1. #1
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Hi all...I'm pretty sure this is a robin, but I posted it in a seperate thread on here because I'd like a little critique from all you nature guys and bird nerds on how I did with this one. I used my Pentax *ist DL with SMC DA 18-55 lens. For some reason, I was in portrait mode (I think because I had just been shooting my grandkids and forgot to change...hehe). All I did in photoshop was to add a strong curve to it to brighten the colors and lighten the whole thing up as lighting was very low under very overcast snowy skies. Since my monitor is dying on me, I don't trust any of my adjustments. This is my first "good" shot of a bird with a DSLR and would like some hints on what to do better next time. Thanx,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Robin?-robin-adj-pr.jpg  

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  2. #2
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Robin?

    Hi Ken,

    Good job hunting with your new camera...

    I usually only critique on the critique board, and I just enjoy peoples work elsewhere. However, since you want a critique, I'll give you one.

    The image presented here is not sharp, and I don' t know if it is a focus issue, processing issue, or the result of how you downsized to fit here (640 pxls). That is the major detractor.

    Composition-wise, the subject is dead center. If this is a crop, try a re-crop. For example, your robin is looking up to the right. How would the composition look if you placed your subject lower and to the left so that the viewer gets a feel for what the robin is staring at? Or, try placing your subject in other quadrants. On your camera, there should be a way to set and lock focus (press shutter half way ??). When taking the image, do this and then recompose the shot before you fire the shutter.

    Another suggestion for your camera is to get out of the pre-programed modes (landscape, portrait, sports, night, etc.) because these lock you into certain parameters (focus method, exposure method, tone curve, in camera sharpening, etc.). Instead, I would spend some time to learn how to use shutter and aperture priority as well as full manual. You'll be in much more control of how the image gets captured.

    Hey, good luck. Post what you are working on.
    Samurai #17 |;^\

  3. #3
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Robin?

    Thanx Tim...It is a crop, so I will try to move him around to find which works best. Since I was in the car, creeping up on the tree (in a parking lot at the university) I was snapping as fast as I could. hehe..As for AP and SP...I've been trying to stay in Manual mode mostly so I could learn my lenses and settings. But I am definitely wanting to learn when and how to use the AP and SP modes. The birds are starting to fly here and my long lenses will be here soon (on backorder)...and with the weather warming, I'll be getting out more and will be able to work on your suggestions. Again Thnx.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  4. #4
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Robin?

    Quote Originally Posted by ken1953
    Thanx Tim...It is a crop, so I will try to move him around to find which works best. Since I was in the car, creeping up on the tree (in a parking lot at the university) I was snapping as fast as I could. hehe..As for AP and SP...I've been trying to stay in Manual mode mostly so I could learn my lenses and settings. But I am definitely wanting to learn when and how to use the AP and SP modes. The birds are starting to fly here and my long lenses will be here soon (on backorder)...and with the weather warming, I'll be getting out more and will be able to work on your suggestions. Again Thnx.
    Sounds good. Post the results.

    As far as the camara goes, I'd work on getting the focus sharp. That's the first thing. It's hard to work a shot if the original is out of focus.

    Some of those auto modes do things like focus on nearest object. Two things may cause out of focus (besides bad equipment), camera shake and focusing on the wrong spot.

    Camera shake is more prominent due to the 1.5 crop factor (if you camera has it). To get around this while you learn, work in shutter priority and set your shutter to around 1/100 when shooting with your 55mm handheld. Go faster as the lens get's longer.

    For focus, just make sure your focus square is on what you want focused when you lock it and before you recompose.

    I hope this is making sense...
    Samurai #17 |;^\

  5. #5
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    Re: Robin?

    I don't critique too much, so I will show you how I would frame this

    I added a little over a third stop of exposure, a tiny bit of contrast and sharpened it a tiny bit ;)
    Attached Images Attached Images  


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Robin?

    Paul, I really like even looks good on my monitor. I understand how to do the contrast and sharpen, but how do you add the 1/3 stop? I appreciate the effort you put into it. I normally would post in critique, but I was more interested in opinions of naturists rather than critique of photographers in general.

    Tim, when I went for my walk this afternoon, I set the camera like you said and I really liked the colors I got with it. Didn't really have to much to shoot, but I did take a couple of test shots. I got some shots of a crow flying over head, but it was a bit too high for any good detail, but the blue sky was very bright, and you could at least see the crow instead of a black blur. Thanx for the suggestion. I'll keep working on it.


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    Nikon Samurai #20

  7. #7
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    Re: Robin?

    You really want a critique from me?

    The image needs fill flash(-.7EV), A little more exposure(the sky fooled the meter), the angle is a bit steep(but not bad)

    The head and body position are very pleasing though !

    I have CS2, so adding exposure is easy with the cheater slider ;) That is a very crude job, just to give you an IDEA of what I would find more pleasing to my eyes.


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Robin?

    Actually, no Paul, I wasn't asking for a critique from you...I have a hard time with words, I am still confused with adding exposure (both on my camera and in CS2), so I was wondering how you had added it in CS2. So that was what my previous post was asking...and the rest was just useless banter...hehe...As now...I have a hard time keeping things "precise and to the point", so I get too wordy and that sometimes causes misunderstandings of what I'm asking.
    One of my problems getting this shot was that I thought I was in manual w/ AWB, but in fact I was in Portrait mode and on top of that I was driving (well, creeping forward slowly) trying to get in as close as possible. I knew if I tried to get out of the car, it would fly. I was able to get almost directly underneath before it flew. I also didn't have a long zoom, Only my 18-55 kit lens. Just got an email saying my 50-200 will be here Monday (YEAH), so I should be able to get in abit closer without getting too close to scare off the subjects. hehe...
    I would have liked to get a better angle but too many branches were in the way to pick and choose while trying not to run over the curb. Thank goodness no students were around...hahahaha...(This was at the University). Anyway...I appreciate the suggestions and will continue working with the CS2, which by the way, I've only had a little less than a week, so still getting used to the controls. I had been using PSE 2 before so some is the same, but some is different as well.
    Again...thanx for all the advise.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  9. #9
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Robin?

    Quote Originally Posted by ken1953
    Actually, no Paul, I wasn't asking for a critique from you...I have a hard time with words, I am still confused with adding exposure (both on my camera and in CS2), so I was wondering how you had added it in CS2. So that was what my previous post was asking...and the rest was just useless banter...hehe...As now...I have a hard time keeping things "precise and to the point", so I get too wordy and that sometimes causes misunderstandings of what I'm asking.
    One of my problems getting this shot was that I thought I was in manual w/ AWB, but in fact I was in Portrait mode and on top of that I was driving (well, creeping forward slowly) trying to get in as close as possible. I knew if I tried to get out of the car, it would fly. I was able to get almost directly underneath before it flew. I also didn't have a long zoom, Only my 18-55 kit lens. Just got an email saying my 50-200 will be here Monday (YEAH), so I should be able to get in abit closer without getting too close to scare off the subjects. hehe...
    I would have liked to get a better angle but too many branches were in the way to pick and choose while trying not to run over the curb. Thank goodness no students were around...hahahaha...(This was at the University). Anyway...I appreciate the suggestions and will continue working with the CS2, which by the way, I've only had a little less than a week, so still getting used to the controls. I had been using PSE 2 before so some is the same, but some is different as well.
    Again...thanx for all the advise.

    The easiest way to add or subtract exposure with CS2 is to go to: Image/adjustments/exposure. There you can just move the sliders to add or take away exposure. It works pretty good for jpegs. I shoot RAW so I do my exposure adjustments in the CS2 RAW converter.

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  10. #10
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Robin?

    Ok...thanx Michael...I haven't gotten to that tool yet!!! hahaha...appreciate it.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

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