We had a Yellow-billed Loon in one of the marina's in Washington, so my friend and I carpooled a few hours to see it. I got some other loons and Grebe's in the process as well as a Horned Grebe from a few days ago.
1) Yellow-billed Loon. Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/2500
2) Yellow-billed Loon. Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/2500
3) Common Loon. Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/4000
4) Red-necked Grebe. Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/3200
5) Horned Grebe. Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO200, 1/1250