My intent, was to take a picture of a Ladybug. Found one - on a Rose. I posted this on two other forums - one, got nothing but compliments... Not a single negative comment...
The other ..... well, here are some examples: "Too soft"; "Bad composition"; "Looks like what happens when you turn noise reduction all the way up in Lightroom"; "The only distraction is that darn petal in the forground but hey still a nice shot and maybe next time. " -- My intent, again, was to take a pic of a ladybug... Not too many ladybugs land on a 'posing table' for my enjoyment and ease of shooting... they normally land on foliage.. So - my Rose is blurred... could anyone imagine that this might have been the intent? It's not a picture of a rose - but an effect that I thought would bring interest to the bug, and not an entire scene.. I wanted the eye to go directly to the bug, and not see an intire scene to digest..... It's interesting how different people see the same thing.... Any comments? - (Except that perhaps my horizon is crooked)