Lately I've been doing a lot of winter hiking and early morning shoots. Many photographers hole up when the snow flies, but there is a lot of subtle and sometimes stark beauty to be found. Snow is never easy to shoot in, but I've been learning a lot while trying to convey the wonder I feel when I'm out there.
Windblown weeds waiting for warmth (yeah, I'm practicing my alliteration on you). From the summit of Mt. Monadnock, Temple NH.
Frosted Flakes. Dunklee Pond, Hollis NH
Softly Stepping. Dunklee Pond, Hollis NH
Unnamed pond @ Pawtuckaway State Park in NH
Frosty Milkweed @ Massabesic Audubon Conservation Area, Auburn NH
Morning light @ Dunklee Pond, Hollis NH
that last one is probably my favorite.
Yeah, I've taken landscapes and vistas, too, but sometimes the quiet, intimate moments of winter convey even more. Thoughts?? Ideas? Improvements?